How to wear animal print without being tacky? Kako nositi životinjski uzorak, a da ne bude kičasto?

No coffee, no workee. Alternatively, it phrase can also be spelled 'no coffee, no workie'. It seems to be a popular thing to post on social networks. There are even new versions of this phrase, like 'no coffee, no talkie'. Have you ever heard that one? I admit it made me smile when I saw it for the first time.

 You see, I'm a self professed coffee addict. Maybe coffee lover sounds nicer, but in all honesty I'm addicted to caffeine. I could live without coffee, if I could have lots of  tea instead but that's basically the same thing, isn't it? As you may know already, some types of tea are caffeine free, but not all. I honestly enjoy drinking caffeine free teas (such as chamomile and ginger tea for example), but I love those with caffeine just as much.  I can't imagine drinking decaf coffee, though. 

The bottom line is that I'm aware that if I decreased my coffee intake, I would probably just increase my tea intake, so my caffeine levels would be the same. Considering that, I don't see the point in giving up coffee. Why not enjoy both? In moderation naturally. High levels of caffeine (no matter how they get in our system) can cause a lot of health issues. Better to keep those caffeine levels moderate. 

In other words, if you are a tea lover, try to keep a healthy balance between caffeine and decaf types of tea. If you are a coffee lover and you just can't limit the number of cups you have a day, why not try decaf (if you can). If you love both coffee and tea, be especially careful not to overdo it. I mean there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

In honour of my love for coffee, today I'm wearing two colours: blue and brown. The brown is obviously the colour of coffee while blue is a colour of my take away coffee cup. I actually quite liked this almost completely monochrome styling. Had it hadn't been for the white on my leggings, this outfit would be all brown and blue. Speaking of the leggings...Do you know that feeling when you rediscover some clothing item in your closet? For instance, I had this pair of leggings for ages, but somehow I forgot about them. Now that I rediscovered them, I'm looking forward to wearing them again. I know animal print can be tricky to style, but if you ask me, it's worth the effort. 

I mean it's perfectly fine if you don't like or do not want to wear animal print, but if you do like it, don't give it up too easily. Animal print is very eye-catching but it doesn't have to be tacky. Why not try wearing animal print accessories, such as animal print bags or shoes? I usually treat leggings  as accessories, not as individual clothing items, meaning that I don't wear them on their own.  I do, however,  recall one time I wore these leggings on their own (here). That was more 'walk the dog' look than a proper outfit, though. What is your opinion on this? I think it's alright to wear leggings on their own as long as they're not transparent. 

Back to the subject of the post. I think we should be careful with colours when we wear animal print. Not that we need to stick to the basical colours, but we might want to try to keep our other clothing items less colourful. Animal print is noticeable enough on its own, we don't need 100 other colour schemes to clash with it. Unless you're really good at print mixing and you feel it's your thing, you might want to keep it a bit more simple. Keeping jewellerly to a minimum, can be a great idea as well. 

Natrag na temu objave. Mislim da trebamo biti oprezni s bojama kada nosimo životinski uzorak. Ne da se moramo držati osnovnih boja, ali možda bi bilo dobro ostatak odjeće učiniti manje šarenim. Životinjski uzorak i sam dovoljno privlači pozornost, nije nam potrebno sto drugih odjevnih komada s kojima bi bio u kontrastu. Osim ako niste jako dobri u mješanju uzoraka i baš to nosite kao svoj stil, bilo bi bolje da se vodite načelom jednostavnosti.   Nošenje što manje nakita također može biti dobra ideja.

jacket/sako: modna kuća Nebo
dress/haljina: New Yorker
leggings/tajica: moda in
boots/čizme + bag/torba: not branded/ nisu markirane


  1. Slažem se u potpunosti. Animal print uvek treba dozirati, tj. nositi uz svedene i jednobojne ostale komade odeće.
    Tvoja današnja kombinacija je jako interesantna. Baš se lepo slažu leopard helanke sa ovom efektnom plavom nijansom.

  2. That sure is a catchy title, and very well done with the animal print.

  3. That sure is a catchy title, and very well done with the animal print.

  4. great post x

  5. Your leggings are so fun! :) I have a pair of leopard print jeans that I adore wearing, they are a nice statement to make with an outfit :) I'm not a coffee or a tea drinker though!

    Hope you are having a great weekend :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  6. I'm so in love with that phrase dear! No coffee no workie! lol
    I'm currently working now and sipping my coffee haha Love how you rock that animal printed leggings. not a fan of the animal print but I'm in love with how you rock it! <3

    love lots,

  7. Anche io adoro il caffè anche se cetco di non esagerare.

  8. Ottima scelta Ivana. A me la stampa animalier piace. Penso che non si debba esagerare nel suo utilizzo. Un capo e un accessorio al massimo. Un bacio e grazie per la tua visita,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    How to create a casual chic outfit

  9. Dearest Ivana,
    I'm addicted to coffee, too ... so I bought a reusable coffe-to-go cup of bamboo. It looks smart and is often used ;-)
    The animal print looks very good on you - I also like the color mix: great!
    Lots of hugs and thanks for your nice comments!!!

  10. Mi piace questo abbinamento brioso e glam! Bellissima Ivana! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  11. You look super cute and comfy! I really love the pants. xx

  12. Haha, I haven't come across that phrase but it sounds fun. I'm a coffee addict too, well tea lately. Anything to give me that boost in the morning. As long as I cut it off by noon at the latest or it stays in my system and I'm up all night. My younger daughter did a project on caffeine and told me black tea has more caffeine that coffee. I didn't know that which makes me think I'm not that hard core a caffeine lover lol. But you're right Ivana, too much of a good thing is never good.

    Funny you're sporting an animal print piece today. I was frantically looking for a particular bottom to pair with an orange trench yesterday and found an animal print skirt I hadn't worn in years. I was pleasantly surprised. I love your print leggings. Paired with blue it looks incredible. The crop blazer is the icing on the top, very cute! And then the matching coffee mug...LOVE!

    But omg, I just read on and you also just rediscovered the print leggings in your closet! Jinx!
    Have a great week ahead girl, you look fabulous!

  13. What a fun way to wear an animal print without being OTT. The bright blue adds a nice pop of color to brighten up the entire look but it's not too much since you just did one color. I haven't touched coffee in years but I do drink tea every day. I don't do well with caffeine so I stop anything caffeinated after 3pm so I won't have any issues with sleep.

    1. thanks dear. No caffeine after 3pm sounds like a great advice! I might try it myself.

  14. You look so pretty dear, loved your leggings. You look so slim in this outfit <3

  15. You look marvellous, love the animal print, so chic. I hope you have a gorgeous new week x

  16. Never heard it before, but I can totally relate. No coffee, no workie. No coffee, no talkie :p

  17. Hello my dear,

    I really love your blog, you are so pretty;) I am glad to follow you;)
    Hugs from Germany

  18. What a smart idea to pair that electric blue top with animal prints. Makes them both stand out. Perfect, Ivana! And btw, my personal operating system runs on coffee and stubbornness ;) Happy new week, girl.
    latest look: Red Strikes White

    1. coffee and, I think I sometimes use that operating system too .:)

    2. Yeah I thought as much ;) lol. Have a lovely evening, Ivana.

  19. Great look and beautiful photos.

  20. Baš dobra kombinacija. Sviđa mi se jako ova plava boja.

    1. hvala i ja sam ljubitelj ove nijanse plave.

  21. Nice post!

  22. Sai che non ho mai abbinato il royal blu alla stampa animalier? Bellissimo il risultato!!!
    Kisses, Paola.

  23. Honestly, it's the first time I've heard about that phrase, it sounds funny. What about caffeine, I used to drink a lot of coffee in past (i.e. when I was student), but now, I try to minimalise the number of cups I drink during the week, so now I drink coffee 2-3 times per week. But on the other hand - I'm addicted to tea, especially to green one and I've heard that it also have caffeine, but it's healthier. I really like what you wrote, that it's all about the propotion, too much is never good in everything. And I love that the subject of your post is related to your outfit - in outfits with animal prints too much is never good thing to do as well, so I really like how you styled these leggins.

    Have a lovely evening dear Ivana,

    1. yes, green tea has many health benefits but because of the high caffeine level it should always be drank in moderation.

  24. Troppo carina, ottimo!

  25. Haha love how you took inspiration from you coffee! I can’t imagine drinking decaf coffee either! What is the point of that? If I wanted to drink decaf, I’d just drink some juice instead haha

    TFM - Life & Style

  26. Great look and beautiful photos!
    Have a good day!

  27. Passo ad augurarti una bellissima giornata splendida Ivana
    Un bacione
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  28. Wow, what a fantastic Outfit! You look amazing <3


  29. Dear Ivana,
    you managed to create your outfit with the leo pants definitely in a perfect way - for sure you don't wear too much colours!
    I'm happy with you you rediscovered your leggings as I love such kind of pants. Your leggings remember me that I owned many of them when I was a teenager and twen - I even sewed most of them by my own. Honestly, I had nearly each imaginable colour combination of these pants.
    About coffee: I know you love coffee. For me it seems as my love for coffee disappears more and more. At the moment I drink only one cup with very thin coffee in the morning and sometimes during the weekends I enjoy a coffee in a cafe or from my mother. But I think it is not necessary that I'm in sorrow about this development :) Enjoy your coffee!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  30. I love my coffee but only in the morning when I first wake up. I try not to have any after noon so I can keep my insomnia under control. I can never jump on board the animal print trend, I love how it looks on others but not on me.

    1. Insomnia is the reason why I try not to overdo it with caffeine too. One cup a day is often enough and anyway I think it's the recommended amount.

  31. Great shots!
    Have a nice week!
    Gil Zetbase

  32. Que lugar maravilhoso amei seu look arrasou, obrigado pela visita.

  33. Yesss girlie! You definitely know how to style the animal print perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing <3

    XO Jessi,

  34. I love your coffee-inspired outfit. I think electric blue is perfect for that combo.

    Jasmine x

  35. Nice tips, my sweet friend :D you look fantastic <3

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

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  37. Uh, i ja sam ti obožavatelj kafe i to na najjače! :) S jedne strane bez jutarnje doze kafeine ne bih bila u stanju da imam aktivan dan jer mi je pritisak jako nizak, a sa druge, za mene je to ritual kojem se radujem svakodveno, nešto kao kakav god dan bio, makar znam da me čeka to sitno zadovoljstvo koje preskačem samo kad pokvarim stomak. Ipak, sreća moja pa se to svede na jednu do dve kafe, eventualno 3 ako je neki baš, baš lud dan. Generalno je kafa na nekom lošem glasu ali u normalnoj meri ima svoje prednosti. U svakom slučaju, ne treba preterivati kao i sa svim ostalim.
    Da se i ja vratim tvojoj temi. Da, nije uvek lak zadatak nositi animal print, a da pritom ne izgleda vulgarno. Ja ga volim mada nekako u poslednje vreme nije nešto čemu naginjem. U svakom slučaju sviđa mi se najviše na cipelama, ešarpama, torbama, mada imam i par komada odeće koje rado nosim. Helanke su baš fora i nimalo lak zadatak za kombinovanje, ali ti si ih sjajno iskombinovala. Posebno mi se dopada kontrast sa tom plavom nijansom :)

    1. da, ta jutarnja doza je često najpotrebnija:)...i ja mislim da za većinu ljudi kava nije štetna ili opasna u nekim normalnim količinama, neki kažu da je jedna šalica kave čak i zdrava.

  38. Baš mi se sviđa kako se ovaj uzorak slaže sa plavom bojom, izvrsna su kombinacija i sjajno izgledaš! :) Ja sam se zadnjih mjeseci ponovno navukla na kavu nakon što je par godina nisam pila, sad ponovno ne mogu zamisliti da mi jutro ne krene bez jedne šalice...s druge strane mi je čaj totalno pao u drugi plan haha :)

    1. hvala...da možda je i bolje da barem jedno bude u drugom planu, ili kava ili čaj, kad pijemo oboje lako je pretjerati.

  39. I see sunshine! You look so happy and at peace in your surroundings, Ivana, just beautiful! I have to admit I don't drink coffee, but from the way everyone seems to adore how much it can wake you up (especially in the morning!), sometimes I wonder if I should start drinking it :) The cobalt blue colour of your outfit is lovely, especially against the leopard print - an unusual combination that works on you!

  40. This colour combo is really perfect: I think cobalt blue is a wonderful addition to animal prints like these! Have a lovely day!
    Christina ♥

  41. bellissimo il pantalone leopard
    nuovo look sul mio blog
    Pink Yarrow look
    un bacione

  42. Cool outfit!

  43. I'm so different as I have coffee :) I'm a tea lover and I never drink coffee but I really like your post! x

  44. I like the blue with the animal prints looks fun. I also am a huge coffee lover.


  45. Great post :). Cute jacket :)

  46. Recently I had a very bad experience with coffee (I don't use to drink it, and this week I did because I need energy to my final project and it didn't feel right at my stomach hahahah) so for a while I won't drink it, I want to finish my project without health problems!

  47. Very cool outfit, dear Ivana! You look georgeous!
    xxxxx Nadine

  48. "What is your opinion on this?" - hey my dear. i think leggings are the great new clothing piece for our generation. girls/women can wearing all kinds of leggings. remember: leggings was a no go thing in the early 2000 years. now, everywhere i go i see women wearing leggings - this is great! i LOVE leggings - i think you know this already.

    in the past woman wearing just black cotton leggings. now are leather leggings "en vogue" - i never thought this!!! and now i see you wearing leo print leggings - i say: you look great in it!!! i specially prefer shiny leggings, like lycra or leather. unfortunately i has no leo printed leggings, maybe this could change in the future.

    i love your outfit a lot Ivana!



  49. I like your TARDIS blue! I'm not the biggest fan of animal print and I think your tips are very wise! I did have a leopard print hat but someone made some very derogatory remarks about it in a bar so I didn't keep it!:-(

  50. Fabulous pick, babe! I haven't worn animal prints in years. Guess it's time to dig them out! xoxo

  51. You're right - animal prints can be ... dangerous hahaha . But the way you are wearing your leggings is just perfect. A bit sporty, a bit casual - not too much jewellery - this is the way to do it :)))))) ANd I like colour coordination :))))

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