How To Wear Yellow In Summer? + Mostar's panorama + Goranci restaurant

How to wear yellow in summer? Like with any trend, if you are not sure how to tackle it, start slow. Baby steps. You can always warm up to this colour with accessories. Why not try wearing a yellow belt or a scarf? Here, for example, I wore a yellow scarf around my straw hat. Similarly, a yellow bag might be a great choice. Yellow bag is not only a great pop of colour in the summer, it is also a bag you can wear all year around. In my experience, a yellow bag is a fantastic way to cheer up any outfit. Similarly, you can take it from there and pick one clothing item in yellow while keeping the rest of the outfit in black (or whatever colour you prefer). 

For me personally, yellow is an easy choice. I can even imagine myself in a total yellow outfit. This plastic yellow bag I'm wearing here is an old find. I must have worn this bag a hundred times. This cropped yellow top is pretty old as well. It's from a Croatian brand that no longer exists but that I used to wear all the time before when I was in high school. Good times. Anyhow, for me wearing yellow seems like an obvious choice in summer. I love to wear yellow dresses (see my fav one here). The fact that this colour is trending makes me quite happy. But as I said, even if you don't like yellow, you can still find ways to incorporate it into your outfits. They say there is a shade of every colour  meant for every skin colour, but if you feel that yellow just isn't your colour (no matter the shade it comes in), you can always rely on accessories. My outfit consists of three colours: yellow, black and brown. It is not a bad colour combo if you're looking for a more classic approach to styling yellow in summer. 

The fact that my copy of The English Patient matched my outfit was a pure coincidence. We all know that books are a great photography prop, but in this case I was actually finishing this book on our little trip and that is the reason why it ended up in my bag. I didn't exactly read it in this spot, I have to admit to that. I might have been reading while these photographs were taken, but this is not exactly my usual reading spot. No, we stopped here so that we could capture Mostar's beautiful panorama. If you remember, I already showed you this spot in my post about photo worthy locations in Mostar. If you haven't, you can read that post here.  On that particular day, we were headed towards Goranci village, and we stopped here to take some photographs. So, the matching of my outfit and the book was unplanned but welcomed. I have owned a copy of this book for ages, but I have only read it  recently. This was by first novel by Michael Ondaatje and I have to admit that I was quite impressed. This novel is a postmodernist masterpiece. The prose is beautiful and the characters are memorable. What more could one want in a book? If you want to know more, you can read my full review here on my other blog. This book was definitely one of my July's favourites.

July was a hard month for me. I had a traumatic vocal cord operation experience (the local anesthesia didn't work on me, and the procedure was incredibly painful). To add insult to injury, the operation wasn't successful. Not that the surgeon had to break the news to me, I was unfortunately fully conscious during the whole ordeal. To add even more insult to injury, my surgical cut got infected. First I thought it was the cold I caught, but then I realized it was something more serious. Fortunately, a friend of my husband who has multiple specialties was able to check my vocal cords, clean my wound, and prescribe me antibiotics. Long story short, I  was feverish and in pain for much of last month. A few days ago, I had spent the whole day vomiting. I'm not sure exactly why, probably it's Chron disease. Because of my Chron disease, I'm constantly taking medications to make my immune system weaker, so I tend to recover slowly. So, yeah, things weren't working out that well for me. To improve my mood, I turned to reading books and working on my blog. This helped improve my mood. I actually had a pretty good blogging month, despite the whole ordeal I went through. Talk about finding the silver lining! But you know that's life. There are the good moments and there are the bad. I'm able to laugh about it now, but at the time I didn't feel it was funny! But now it's all over, August is here and I plan to make the most out of it. 

Hat: old/scarf: a gift/ top: old/ pencil skirt: vintage/ bag: old/ shoes: not branded

I had great luck with books last month and I hope this trend will continue in August as well. There is only one book that I read and hated last month and that would be Death at La Fenice by Donna Leon. It is the first in a series of book about a Venetian detective. I found this novel not only bad written but also xenophobic and deliberately offensive to Italian culture. But moving onto brighter themes. As I said, we visited Goranci village that morning. We've dined in Goranci restaurant many times, but this time we were only there for breakfast and a cup of coffee. If you want to see more of this restaurant, you'll welcome to visit some of my older posts here and here. It's definitely a place I can recommend. What about you? Do you have any places to recommend? Are you reading or seeing anything interesting? How is your summer like? Are you enjoying it to the fullest?



  1. I also find yellow easy color to wear and style because I love it. It brightens up any summer day!
    Love your accessories!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yellow is one of my favourite happy colours to wear during the Summer! You look beautiful in yellow your outfit is beautiful.

    Laura xo

  3. Yellow is such a cheerful colour to wear, and great in summer! I like your outfit with the matching yellow accessories :)

    Sorry to hear July was such a tough month for you though - I hope that August is better for you and you are having a nice start to your weekend :) It will be a quiet one here again, we caught another winter bug!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. Yellow is the summer colour!!
    Have a great day!

    La ilusión de Nina -

  5. Bellissima, il giallo ti dona molto! :)

  6. I couldn't agree more about inflicting a trend or colour into your outfits Ivana! It's best to start out slow and see what works for you. If you go in too fast or all the sudden, it's likely you will get fed up with something not working out and stop all together. This could really be said for anything. Yellow is one of those colours that I've always been a bit picky about. Since my skin has yellow undertones, I find I don't like to bring that out even more by wearing yellow, but if I do I will wear the shade mustard. The book you recommended looks terrific! I just finished reading the novel "Circle of Influence" today and it was one of the best books I've read in a while. Super intriguing and the type of book you can't put down. It is a murder mystery so I'm not sure if that's your thing but I can say that it was terrific and not too long either. Two other book recommendations are "The White Queen" by Phillipa Gregory and "The Valley of Amazement" by Amy Tan. Both are my top two favorite books ever. I would highly recommend looking into them if you want a good read.

    1. I've read many books by Amy Tan but not The Valley of Amazement. I need to look that one up. Circle of Influence sounds amazing, I do love a good murder mystery. I read The White Queen last year I think and I liked it, a very good novel.

  7. I adore this cute casual look! Those shoes are so cool.

  8. Yikes, that sounds awful! I'm glad you are on the mend now. What a beautiful spot you chose to take the photos.


  9. Wow! You look beautiful dear <3 lovely photos :)

  10. Look like you had fun dear.

  11. Cute outfit! Loving the yellow, so summery. Lulu Xxx

  12. Definitely my favorite color! I love how it looks on you!


  13. Yellow is such a beautiful colour. You look great in it.

  14. You look stunning. Yellow is definitely your colour. I also love a bit of this hue in warmers months. I've been looking for something but haven't really found what I'm looking for


  15. Yellow is one of my fave color your know and I do love to wear it. It suits you so well Ivana and you totally look stylish. What an amazing spot you captured! xo

  16. Per me il giallo è il colore estivo per eccellenza e tu sei sempre così glam cara Ivana!
    Kisses, Paola.


  17. Yellow looks great on you! Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that regarding your health, but good things did come out in the end, like working on your blog and expanding your reading list. Thanks for sharing doll!

    xx, Des

  18. I love how outfit pieces in different shades of yellow look styled in different outfits. Your yellow blouse and black skirt look wonderful together. I'm so sorry to read that you needed a vocal cord operation, that it was painful, and that recovery has been taking so long. I hope you get much better soon, feel well, and enjoy the rest of your summer.

    P.S.: I finally did a new blog post:

  19. bellissima Ivana, adoro come hai abbinato questi capi e accessori gialli
    nuovo outfit da me tendenza moda plastica trasparente
    buon inizio settimana

  20. As for your outfit, you look great. I love yellow, it's one of my favourite colours. Nice to hear that despite everything, you had a good blogging month. Take care, dear. <3 /M

  21. You look so chic in this outfit babe.
    That summer look is a steal.

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  22. Thanks a lot :D

    super fresh look my friend :D

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  23. Buon inizio settimana splendore!
    Kisses, Paola.


  24. Dok čitam ovaj post baš na sebi imam žuti šos! :)
    Lijepo ti stoji žuto, i mislim da svima boje dobro dođu u oblačenju.
    Nadam se da je zdravlje bolje!

  25. Such lovely shots, dear! Yellow suits you well. xoxo

  26. Dear Ivana, I'm so sorry that July was that hard for you. But sounds like you are now recovered what is very relieving to read. I'm so impressed you never lose your good mood! And I like you for sure in yellow - not only because I like yellow in general :) It is wonderful you had that huge luck with book in July and honestly I'm not surprised about your opinion about Donna Leon as I don't like this series from her. Fortunatley, I had also good books last month. E.. g. I read the biography of "Kaiserin Sisi" and "Just a Litte Run Around the World" from Rosie Swale Pope and a lot of books more. I enjoy summer honestly. This summer here in Bavaria is truely a dream. Take care, dear Ivana.
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. thank you Rena, I'm doing better fortunately so I'm in a good mood now. We all have our ups and downs, our mood changes accordingly, I think it's normal. I'd like to read Kaiserin Sisi's biography, I think she was an interesting lady. Just a Little Run Around the World seems like an interesting book as well.

  27. So sorry that July was not a good month for you. It's really great that you are recovered now. Actually July and now the new month has been a bit hard for me too. There were a lot of personal and health issues. But I think it's life and we have to do our best even in a very difficult situation.
    You are looking like a sunshine in yellow, I love yellow in summer these days. The background of these pictures has made it more beautiful.
    Kisses <3
    Have a happy Monday <3

    1. yes, you're right! That's just life and we need to get through it.

  28. Yellow is such a happy and beautiful color for summer! You look great in this shade!


  29. Great post!

  30. Tutti mi dicono che il giallo mi sta a me piace molto, adoro questo look con i dettagli gialli!

  31. My favorite bookworm strikes again, enjoying a good book and as bright as sunshine ☀

  32. Happy Wed, bellissima Ivana!
    Kisses, Paola.


  33. Ja do skoro zutu nisam nesto narocito volela, ali od ovog leta situacija se promenila :) Posebno mi se dopada da je kombinujem uz zlatne tonove nakita.
    Jako mi je drago sto si ponovo pocela da objavljujes i sto se oporavljas.
    Ljubim te puno

  34. I totally love yellow in any season, but summer seems more handy when it comes to this bright colour. Great tips!

    xo Corina

  35. I really like yellow and this look is very beautiful.


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