Fashion illustration of the day (my fifth blogging anniversary) / Modna ilustracija dana ( peta godišnjica moga bloga)
Yesterday I celebrated five years of blogging- kind of. You see I didn't actually celebrate it because I forgot about it. I did, however, published my first post after many months of not being able to blog (here is why). So, perhaps I did celebrate it- I just wasn't aware of it. Five years of blogging. Five years! I can scarcely believe it has been so long.
Jučer sam proslavila pet godina bavljenja blogom- na neki način. Vidite baš i nisam proslavila zato jer sam zaboravila na godišnjicu. No, ono što sam napravila je da sam objavila prvu objavu nakon što mjesecima nisam uspjela ništa objaviti (ovdje možete pročitati zašto). Pet godina bloga. Pet godina. Jedva mogu vjerovati da je prošlo toliko.
I don't know if you can notice, but the illustrated girl is actually holding a book titled Donna con te. I often draw ladies with books in their hands. It must be because I'm such a bookworm. Anyhow, there is no such book (as far as I know), but there is a well known song from the nineties, composed by Danilo Amerio and Luciano Boero and sang/performed by Anna Oxo. That was actually my inspiration and who knows? Maybe some day someone will write a book called Donna con te. In case you didn't hear it before, it is a beautiful romantic song, one of my favourite ones. In case you are a a woman, I would like to know : who and what makes you feel like a woman?
Ne znam možete li primijetiti, ali djevojka na ilustraciji drži knjigu na kojoj piše Donna con te. Često crtam dame koje drže knjige u rukama. Mora biti jer toliko volim čitanje. Uglavnom, takva knjiga ne postoji (koliko znam) ali postoji poznata pjesma iz devedestih, pjesma koju su skladali Danilo Amerio i Luciano Boero a koju izvodi/pjeva Anna Oxo. To je zapravo bila moja inspiracija i tko zna? Možda će jednoga dana netko napisati knjigu koja će se zvati Donna con te. U slučaju da niste čuli, to je predivna romantična pjesma, jedna od mojih najdražih. U slučaju da ste žena, voljela bi znati- tko i što vas navodi da se osjećate kao žena?
To celebrate my fifth blogging anniversary, I'm giving away this fashion illustration. As you can see, I actually cut out this fashion illustration. I think these things are super practical as you can match them up to any background. This blue and black gown is a product of my imagination, I didn't use any reference for it. The medium is coloured pencils and markers on paper. The first person who leaves a comment saying they want this illustration, will be the person who receives it. The giveaway starts immediately, there is no deadline and it ends with the first comment- whenever that might be.
Kako bih proslavila petu godišnjicu bloganja, poklanjam ovu modnu ilustraciju. Kao što možete vidjeti, to je izrezana modna ilustracija. Mislim da su takve jako praktične jer ih možete uskladiti sa bilo kakvom podlogom. Ova crno plava haljina je izašla iz moje mašte, nisam se u nešto posebno ugledala. Medij su bojice i markeri na papiru. Prva osoba koja mi ostavi komentar kojim kaže da želi ovu ilustraciju će je i dobiti. Darivanje odmah počinje, a nije ograničeno vremenom, to jest traje dok netko ne ostavi komentar.
Lovely post!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!:)
My dearest Ivana, first off I must congratulate you on your fifth year of blogging. That is a major accomplishment and I'm so proud of you. I also look forward to many more years of reading your blog. I've been mia from my blog for a while as well and I'm so sorry to read that you've been unwell. I checked your iG often and wondered / worried what was up. Your ability to gain back some weight is great news. Keep feeling better ok. Beautiful illustration. You should bring that gown to life! It's gorgeous! A product of your imagination? THIS IS TALENT at its best. It makes for a great give away and I'd love to win the giveaway, why not. It's an original piece from a talented artist and my friend Ivana!
"Yesterday I celebrated five years of blogging" - congratulation my dear!!! 5 years is a very long time - nice to see, that you still blogging, after all.
ReplyDeleteyour todays fashion illustration is for me a very nice collage - such an unique idea!!! and that dress that the girl is wearing is just beautiful!
merry x-mas!!!