Painting of the day (A Lioness) / Slika dana (Lavica)

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was walk to the kitchen. Naturally, I was there to make coffee (can’t start a day without it) but while I was at it, I decided to also make a nice cup of warm chocolate. I figured that one can’t have too many warm drinks when the weather is misbehaving. Plus, I wanted something to drink right away, and because preparing coffee my style takes a while (wouldn’t be caught dead drinking instant coffee;)) I opted for warm chocolate first and it was nice but I have to remember to make my own instant coffee again, I’m sure that stuff they sell in shops are full of all kinds of unhealthy stuff. Speaking of health, I have had a cold for a week now, my throat is still sore and my vocal cords are in pitiful state.  I'm not a big fan of my voice right now, but most people seem to like it. Well, at least I’m unique this way. I can always tell people that I was out partying the previous night. Anyhow, while I was preparing my coffee/hot chocolate, I was wondering what should be the first thing on my agenda for the day. Do you do that in the morning or do you already have it planned?

Kada sam se jutros probudila prva stvar koju sam napravila je bila pravac kuhinja. Naravno, tu sam kako bi napravila kavu ( ne mogu započeti dan bez nje), ali kada sam već tu, odlučila sam napraviti i lijepu šalicu tople čokolade. Zaključila sam da nam, kada je vrijeme ovako promjenljivo,  nikad osta toplih pića. Osim toga, htjela sam imati nešto za odmah popiti i jer pripremanje kave na moj način traje malo duže (nikad ne pijem instant, bože sačuvaj;)), tako da sam prvo pila toplu čokoladu i nije bila loša, ali moram se sjetiti napraviti svoju instant čokoladu, sigurna sam da je ono što se prodaje po dućanima nezdravo. Kad smo već kod zdravlja, već tjedan dana vučem prehladu, još uvijek me grlo boli, a glasnice su mi u jadnom stanju. Nisam neki obožavatelj svoga glasa trenutno, ali mogu uvijek reći ljudima da sam prijašnju noć slavila. Uglavnom, dok sam pripremala kavu i čokoladu, pitala sam se što bi prvo trebala danas napraviti. Radite li to ujutro ili to imate već u planu?

Then I realized that I haven’t painted anything for a weak straight. Well, unless I count what I painted at an art class last Tuesday but I really ought not because it was rather terrible. I don’t really enjoy doing reproductions; I know they’re useful to develop one’s skill but I always feel like I have stolen something. It is not like you can do a reproduction and feel it is your all own work because the idea  belongs to somebody else. The one I selected was semi-abstract and it seems I'm not so great at that. I don’t mind the practice and while I’m sure that I can benefit from it, I prefer working on my own stuff. High time to get at it, I thought this morning. Truth be told, it being early in the morning, I didn’t feel much in mood for the painting, but I know that later on, I might not get the chance. It is not that I had a crazy busy day ahead, but life gets in the way of your creative hobbies unless you set time for them. I knew that later on there will be meals (lunch/dinner) to be prepared and desserts and all kind of food (I mean what is Sunday without all the extra fun? I need calories for a day to feel like a proper Sunday), and  besides by the end of the day who knows will I have the energy. Moreover, I do believe in what Picasso said. Inspiration exists but it has to find you working. If we wait for inspiration, we’ll probably never get much work done.

Onda sam shvatila da nisam ništa naslikala cijeli tjedan. Osim ako ne računam ono što sam naslikala na tečaju slikanja prošloga utorka, ali ne bi trebala jer je bilo baš grozno. Baš i ne uživam u reprodukcijama, znam da su koriste u razvijanju svoje vještine, a ipak imam taj osjećaj kao da nešto kradem.  Nije da možete napraviti reprodukciju i imati osjećaj da je vaš rad jer ideja iza nje uvijek pripada nekom drugom. Ona koju sam izabrala bila je pomalo apstraktna i čini se da mi to i nije najjača snaga. Ne smeta mi vježbanje i iako znam da će mi dobro doći, opet mi je draže raditi na svojim stvarima. Krajnje vrijeme da se toga uhvatim, pomislila sam jutros. Iskreno, tako rano ujutro, baš i nisam bila raspoložena za slikanje, ali sam znala da kasnije možda i neću imati prilike. Nije da sam imala neki ludo zauzet dan, ali ako ne odvojimo vrijeme za kreativne hobije, život se uvijek nekako umiješa u sve. Znala sam da će kasnije trebati spremati ručak i večeru i deserte i svašta nešto (mislim što je nedjelja bez svega toga? Trebaju mi kalorije da bi mi nedjelja bila prava), a osim toga tko zna hoću li imati energije kad dan dođe kraju. Uz to, vjerujem u ono što je Picasso rekao, nadahnuće postoji, ali mora vas pronaći dok radite. Čekamo li nadahnuće, nećemo puno toga obaviti.

So, I gathered my art tools and sat down to paint. I have been painting for two straight hours, when I was interrupted by a door bell. After that I got up and went on to do other stuff for the rest of the day. This was one of the paintings I made. I feel like I’m relearning aquarelle. I used to be good at it as a kid, but nowadays I kind of feel like I’m doing something if not wrong then in a peculiar way. Or maybe I’m just developing my personal aquarelle style? Either way, here it is my watercolour and pencil painting of the day. Mostly watercolour, I had only used pencil to sketch before applying the paints. I might remember to delete it (the pencil), or I might let it stay this way. The painting depicts a woman with a mane of hair, hence the title of this work- A lioness. Perhaps that doesn't make sense because lionesses don't have manes but we still use this expression for women- and for often because it is usually us ladies who have long(er) hair. I didn’t have anyone in mind while I was painting this, but now that I think of it, she does remind me of an old friend of mine, someone I hadn’t seen in years. Interesting. The background is kind of fairy-tale like or perhaps just a historical sight. The outfit this lady is wearing isn’t fully visible, but it doesn’t have to be- you can imagine what it might be. I suppose you could still look at this painting as a fashion illustration of some sort. After all, fashion is not just clothes….but we all know that.

Tako da sam skupila svoje alate za slikanje, sjela i uhvatile se posla, slikala sam oko dva sata prije nego što me prekinilo zvono. Nakon toga sam se ostatak dana bavila drugim stvarima. Ovo je jedna od slika koju sam napravila. Imam osjećaj kao da ponovo učim akvarel. Kada sam bila mala, dobro mi je išao, ali danas imam osjećaj da nešto radim, ako ne krivo, onda na čudan način? Ili možda razvijam svoj vlastiti stil akvarela? Kako god, ovdje je moja slika dana, vodene boje i olovka, većinom akvarel, olovku sam koristila samo za skiciranje. Možda se i sjetim obrisati ju (olovku), a možda je i ovako ostavim. Slika prikazuje ženu s gustom kosom kao griva, a zato je i njen naziv lavica. Možda to i nema smisla jer lavice nemaju grivu, ali ipak koristimo taj izraz i za žene, zapravo češće za žene jer obično mi imamo dužu kosu. Nije mi nitko bio na pameti dok sam ovu slikala, ali sada kada razmislim, podsjeća me na jednu prijateljicu, nekoga koga godinama nisam vidjela....Zanimljivo. Pozadina je pomalo bajkovita..ili možda samo neko povijesno mjesto. Odjevna kombinacija ove dane nije posve vidljiva, ali i ne mora biti....možete i sami nešto zamisliti. Pretpostavljam da je i ovu sliku moguće gledati kao modnu ilustraciju neke vrste. Na kraju krajeva, moda nije samo odjeća...ali mi svi to već znamo.

I manage do to a little blogging today, replied to your lovely comments- thank you very much, your lovely comments make my day. I did a bit of reading in the afternoon and managed some in the evening too, but let’s make at least one post without making literary references, shall we?  I’ll just admit to reading one contemporary British author and one Croatian author from last century. My day had been comfortably  slow paced so far. Lots of cooking ( I’m using my new wok and it’s great) and since I’m such a sweet tooth I could resist making at least one dessert- almost caramelized apples and bananas with with a bit of cream. Usually I like to make caramelized desserts but today I decided to remove the fruit from the heat before it was fully caramelized- just to try something new. My walk today was rather short and practical- I went to open the windows on my new house so that the paint can dry more quickly.  Anyway, the evening was wonderful and the sunset quite magical. 

Uspjela sam se danas malo baviti i blogom, odgovoriti na vaše komentare- hvala vam na svima, baš mi uljepšaju dan. Malo sam čitala poslijepodne, a pomalo i navečer, ali idemo barem jedna objava bez da pričam o književnosti. Samo ću reći da sam čitala suvremenoga britanskoga autora i hrvatskoga pisca iz prošloga stoljeća. Dan mi je do sada bio ugodno usporen. Puno kuhanja (koristim svoj novi wok i baš mi je odličan), a pošto jako volim slatko, morao je tu biti i desert- skoro pa karamelarizirane jabuke i banane s malo vrhnja. Obično volim praviti karamelizirane deserte, ali ovaj put sam odlučila maknuti voće s vatre prije nego što se posve karameliziralo, tek tako da probam nešto novo. Danas mi je šetnja bila poprilično kratka i praktična, išla sam otvoriti prozore na novoj kući tako da se boja prije osuši. No, večer je bila divna, a zalak sunca čaroban.

Had I not been so tired from this stubborn cold, I would have probably indulged in a longer walk today- I had the time for it, but alas no muscle power. Well, I'll get rid of this cold sooner or later. All in all, I’m rather enjoying Autumn, even if I’m not spending as much time outdoors but that goes to prove that you can never have two things at the same time, you can’t have your cake and eat it too, right? I’m working on one new project that I probably won’t be sharing with you because it is not related to blog. It is something that will probably demand considerable time and energy, but I’m doing it for myself, so no complaints here. Quite on the contrary, it gives me something to look forward too, so all good. What was your day like? Did you have a nice Sunday? Are you looking forward to the new working week?

Da nisam bila tako umorna od ove tvrdoglave prehlade, vjerojatno bi uživala u malo dužoj šetnji, imala sam vremena za nju, ali ne i energije. No, riješit ću se ja ove prehlade, prije ili kasnije. Sve u svemu, uživam u jeseni, čak i ako ne provodim toliko vremena vani, no to dokazuje da se ne može imati ovce i novce, zar ne? Radim na jednom novom projektu kojega vjerojatno neću dijeliti s vama jer nije vezan uz blog. Vjerojatno će mi oduzeti dosta vremena i energije, ali radim to za sebe, tako da se nemam na što žaliti. Naprotiv, daje mi nešto čemu ću se veseliti, tako da sve pet. Kakav je vama bio dan? Jeste li uživali u nedjelji? Veselite li se novom radnom tjednu?

watercolour on paper/ akvarel na papiru


  1. Oh I'm sorry to hear you're sick, it's not fun when you are unwell. You still managed to get a lot done which is good. I hope you feel better soon!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. thank you dear, it's nothing serious, just a cold, I only had a touch of fever last week.

  2. This is so beautiful - you really are very talented! x

    The Belle Narrative

  3. Zdrówka życzę. Piękne obrazy.Pozdrawiam :)

  4. I hope you return to healh. Picasso is right.

  5. Such a lovely post!
    LOVE IT you have nice blog!

  6. Fantastic post! Thank you so much for sharing.

    ** Join Love, Beauty Bloggers on facebook. A place for beauty and fashion bloggers from all over the world to promote their latest posts!


  7. I enjoyed reading this post, really. Get well soon, hun!))

  8. Awesome sharing, dear! Love those lashes! Have a great week! xoxo

  9. so beautiful!

    kisses dear

  10. This is lovely! Her hair is wonderful! There's something about warm drinks when it's cold. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling under the weather Ivana. Take care and feel better soon. And keep up those warm drinks. The Chinese believe that you should have anything cold when you had a cold because it just makes it harder for your body to recover.

  11. Great post dear! So bad that you are not feeling well. I also have cold and fever today. Get well soon:)

  12. Great post dear! So bad that you are not feeling well. I also have cold and fever today. Get well soon:)

  13. Sorry to read you're under the weather, Ivana, here's hope of a speedy recovery. Take it easy and drink lots, hun. Lovely illustration. Get well soon, hun.

    1. warm drinks seem to help, I'm already feeling better.

  14. Baš mi je žao što si prehlađena... prehlade uvijek iscrpe čovjeka i ja osobno baš uvijek budem jako nervozna kada me uhvati. Topli napici su uvijek dobra ideja iako je meni kavica tu broj jedan i također ne mogu započeti dan bez jedne.
    Sviđa mi se tvoj akvarel i slažem se da to nadahnuće dolazi kada nešto barem pokušavamo raditi...ukoliko samo sjedimo i čekamo...nema tu života pa ni nadahnuća valjda! :)

    1. dobro je, nije strašna prehlada,imala sam malo temperature, ali čini mi se da već prolazi..valjda ne može jesen i zima bez toga, iako mi se čini da je ova više na virusnoj bazi.

      Da, treba se malo i potruditi, ja uvijek idem onom logikom bolje išta nego ništa....najgore što se može dogoditi je da bacim sliku u smeće jer mi se ne sviđa.

  15. Hai fatto bene a riprendere in mano i pennelli Ivana, hai creato una bellissima illustrazione, adoro soprattutto i colori!
    Oltretutto l'acquerello è la mia tecnica preferita quindi apprezzo ancora di più il tuo lavoro! :)
    Peccato che il freddo ti faccia sentire debole, per me è il contrario, quando fa freddo e vado a correre la mattina corro più in fretta per scaldarmi e sento meno la fatica... Per ora però qui fa ancora abbastanza caldo, a metà giornata vado in giro in maniche corte e posso ancora mettere la gonna senza calze!^^
    Buona settimana, bella!

    1. non sapevo che l'acquerello è la tua tecnica preferita, a me piace molto:) grazie<3

  16. Lovely post! Happy new week!:))


  17. One more beautiful painting that you've made, you are really talented! ;)
    O diário da Inês | Facebook | Instagram

  18. Spero che tu stia meglio Ivana!
    Mi piace sempre molto vedere le tue bellissime illustrazioni e capire qlcs in più della tecnica che usi... bellissima anche questa!!!
    Kisses, Paola.
    My Facebook
    My Instagram

  19. Ivana anch per me la tecnica ad acquerello è la più espressiva...spero tu stia bene tesoro riposati e pensa alla tua salute
    un bacio

  20. you so talented!!!*_*

  21. I honestly am loving that you're writing and sharing more with your posts these days, Ivana. Sorry to hear that you're having a cold, it sucks and I hope you kick it soon.

    My morning are always the same, coffee, check all blog related stuff and then waking up the little one and running all around with him for his activities. xx

    Reflection of Sanity | b·liv Skincare Set Giveaway

  22. What a cute painting, I love the hair

  23. Lovely pics dear!Have a great week! xx

  24. I love the pics. Loves

  25. We don't have any hot chocolate at home, but sometimes I wish we did because I miss those lovely cups and can only have them when I'm out and about. I also plan my morning routine the night before, and in the morning if there is anything I have forgotten I simply add it to my list :)

    1. yes, hot chocolate is always good.
      I sometimes plan a day ahead and sometimes I don't:).

  26. Thanks sweetie :D

    OMG, I really want one paiting about me, please :D

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  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear that you are sick now, dear((( I hope you feel better soon! I wish you all the best, Ivana))
    By the way, I can’t start a day without a cup of coffee, too)))
    Beautiful drawing! Ilove her lashes))

  29. Beautiful...loved it...xoxo, Neha

  30. Dear Ivana, so sorry you had a cold for that long time and I can imagine - although it is the opposite for other people - you don't like your voice at the moment. Hopefully you will recover soon! And you had a great idea to prepare hot chocolate this morning additional to your usual coffee (I have to admit I belong to these instant coffee drinkers ;)). Hot chocolate is always fine! And I see you didn't wait until your inspiration came - and I like the result and your courage to do this painting you have been so good as kid again. The woman is beautiful! And I read your opened the windows of your new house? Wow, sounds amazing! I'm convinced what you cooked was delicious as usual including the dessert :) I would love to try it now! If I plan my day already in the morning? On workdays always and even during the weekends I know pretty exact what I will do ... as I have always so many plans :)
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. Dear Ivana, how wonderful you will have a new house! Thanks for your message - have a wonderful and very happy weekend <3 xx Rena

  31. Such a beautiful painting! Really lovely!

  32. Oooh Ivana, how do you doing?! Hope you're feeling better right now, try to pamper yourself as much as possible these days to come back with more energy! The ideal of the hot chocolate (or a good cup of coffee in my case) is definitely the best way to start a day! Try to replace with some tea with honey and ginger now that you're kinda weak :(

    Talking about the drawing I just adore it! I think this is one of your best pieces, dear!

    All the best, sending you good vibes from Spain!

    1. the cold is persistant:) I was feeling better than I got sick again, but well that's life.

  33. She has such expressive and captivating eyes :)

    Hope you're feeling better!

  34. You have already your personal aquarelle style, dear Ivana! I love your geourgeous paintings very much ... especially this cute girl here ;-)
    I understand, that you don´t enjoy doing reproductions in your art class, but take it what it is. You are improving your technical skills, which will maybe help you for your art work.
    I have to have my coffee in the morning too. Normally I have my day already planned at that time.

    Get well,
    xxxxxx Nadine

    1. I'm not sure do I have a personal style yet but I hope I'm getting there:)

  35. Mi dispiace che tu sia malata Ivana, spero tu guarisca presto. Però sono contenta che tu sia riuscita a trovare un po' di tempo dipingere, lavoro stupendo come sempre!

    Shopping Girls

  36. what a lovely post my dear
    amazing paintings
    simply love it!
    lovely :)
    with love your AMELY ROSE

  37. Prelepa ilustracija! Bas prava lavica, sa prekrasnom gustom i talasastom kosom.
    Eh da i meni svako jutro pocinje s kaficom i u kovanju plana aktivnosti za taj dan. Nesto ostvarim, nesto ne, ali rituala ispijanja kafice i uopste toplih napitaka, nikada se ne odricem :-) U tome bas uzivam.
    Ljubim te i zelim prekrasan dan i nastupajuci vikend

  38. Meni je drago što si uspela da odvojiš vreme za stvari koje voliš uprkos dosadnoj prehladi. Usput se nadam da se sada bolje osećaš. Uh, kafa, valjda najvažnija sporedna stvar na svetu :) Nasmejala si me sa instant kafom jer naravno da to nije prava kafa :D Ima nečega u tom jutarnjem ritualu i kad god sam u prilici, volim sebi da dam vremena i uživam u njenom ispijanju. Dobra ti je ideja što si se odlučila sa slikanje i kad ti nije bilo do toga, jer da, dan je u stanju da nas pojede, a ja makar čak i kad ne dam sebi oduška, imam osećaj da nisam stigla ni deo toga što je trebalo, pa baš prosto treba planirati i to slobodno vreme i stvari koje radimo uključivo jer nam prijaju. Nadam se da sa kućom napreduje sve kako treba. To mora da je divan osećaj ;) Ilustracija je preeeeedivna! Taj pogled skoro da je uhvatljiv, a verujem da bi svako od nas ispričao drugu priču vezanu za mesto i odeću koju nosi. Lepo je ostaviti nešto i mašti. Ma savršeno! Bravo i za novi projekat! <3

  39. I hope the cold is gone by now! Very beautiful painting :-)
    I have a headache for the second day... Whenever I have a cold I drink Fervex and in a few hours I am pretty good. Highly recommend it :D
    So, you are talking hot chocolate... Not bad idea!

  40. You are so right, dear Ivanna, a lioness has no mane, I don' t know why people relate voluminous hair to lionesses, but anyway, a good thought of yours, always! It is nice that you painted that, and that it reminded you of a friend :) I don't know how I feel about reproductions... but as far as it is done by a painter, even a hobby painter, why not, with an open heart, not to copy. I am sorry for your cold and your voice, I hope that by now you are feeling better! I must say a biiiiiiig thank you for your words - you know what I mean. Every time I read your thoughts, stories and comments, I feel happy. I know you are supportive and lovely and that really made my day! Now, on another note, maybe no blog related project, but I would be curious to know, if you ever want to share it! Hope you have a lovely day, dear Ivanna!

  41. This post has reminded me that I definitely need to paint more! This is such a lovely post and I hope you feel better now :)

  42. A great post and love the sound of your warm chocolate in the morning too! Great painting :)

    Laura xx

  43. Que ótima imagens, bom final de semana, obrigado pela visita.

  44. "Inspiration exists but it has to find you working". Now THIS is what I'm taking away with me from your post. I think I may have read this quote from Picasso before, but reading it here, right now, it resonates very loudly.Thank you.
    Sending you many get well thoughts - from one morning-ritual-coffe-maker to another.

  45. Making the hot chocolate followed by coffee, that is hilarious. But hey, you really can't have too many warm drinks like you said. I don't mind instant coffee cos I'm always in a hurry and anything to save time is a welcome idea. So sorry to read you've been battling a cold. I hope you feel better already. For me it comes with the territory - working with kids.
    Life gets in the way period. So I like that you mindfully set time apart for painting. I'm so loving that saying by Picasso. Will keep that in mind always. This painting looks pretty cool to me and I cant tell if you were relearning the style. But then I'm ignorant when it comes to art haha. Lioness is a perfect title cos yes we have more hair. Beautiful work as always Ivana. You never cease to amaze me.
    I was nervous most of the week cos I had an appointment in oncology. All is still well and I am thankful to God. So glad the weekend is finally here. Have a lovely one and keep enjoying your new wok, :))).

  46. Thanks a lot for all comments. Your are amazing. I don't have any words to describe!

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  47. OHH so nice. I love drawing too. Loves dear.

  48. Zao mi je sto si bolesna, nadam se da ces brzo ozdraviti! I ja sam pomalo prehladena zadnjih dana, ali nista strasno. Obozavam toplu cokoladu, no kavu pijem mnogo cesce jer ju je lakse napraviti.
    Kad pogledam ovu tvoju sliku, odmah pozelim i sama naslikati nesto. Divno izgleda, kosa je uistinu posebna i za nju je sigurno bilo potrebno najvise vremena. Svaka cast!

    Novo kod mene:

  49. Lovely painting! It's so lovely that you take time out every now and again to paint :) Also, I was just thinking this morning how I wanted some hot chocolate haha! :) xx

  50. It is almost a week later according to the date of this post, but I hope you're feeling better first and foremost. Your paint work here is wonderful. I commend you on a job well done.

  51. Adoro il tuo stile Ivana, bellissimo dipinto!

    Shopping Girls

  52. Nice post
    Follow me <3

  53. It's good to hear you already feel better, Ivana. These nasty colds are often so persistent. Wishing you again a speedy recovery and a happy and relaxing weekend, hun.

    1. yes, they're nasty...I'm still feeling like a truck ran over me.

  54. Mornings in my case is just haos :( . Nothing prepared the previous day, nothing to wear, nothing to eat, mess. :D . I love you lioness and her bushy hair ;) . You are a very versatile person. Congratulations on your ideas. Hope your cold has gone away. have a great Sunday and Sunday luch ;) - cheers - Margot

  55. wow awesome
    best wishes

  56. Hope you feel better, Ivana! Lot's of wishes and hugs))
    Have a wonderful week ahead, dear!

  57. Such a great post!


  58. Draga moja, pojavim se nakon skoro dva tjedna i odmah me oduševiš sa novom slikom, pa predivno ti je ispala! Samo ovako nastavi dalje, radovi su ti sve bolji i bolji i istinski uživam u njima i popratnim pričicama. Nadam se da su ti glasnice danas već puno bolje, ako nešto mrzim onda je to kad zaboli grlo :) Sad me baš zanima o čemu je novi projekt, ko malo dijete sam haha


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