Whether you're longing for spring to come asap or not, one thing is certain-  winter is not going  anywhere. The cold weather is not going to end up anytime soon, not in this part of the world. It's snowing in most of Europe and the weather is quite cold. What are we do to if not dress appropriately, and that means dress as warmly as possible? Not long ago I published a post about winter accessories that keep us warm. Today I'll be talking about one of them in particular and that would be the oversized scarf.  I've always loved big scarves and I have quite a few of them, some vintage, some I made myself. Lately, however it occurred to me that I should get one of those new trendy oversized ones, the kind that you can use as blanket. You know how much I love colour, right? Well, beige is no exception so I was happy to see it listed as one of the biggest trends this season. I picked up this beige oversized scarf for next to nothing in New Yorker. It's super cozy and warm, the only problem with it is the fall out, but well you can't have it all, right? Today I have prepared two casual chic outfits for you, both of them with heeled boots and oversize scarves. I think heels are always a nice way to make casual outfits look more dressed up. Scarves are another chic accessory. Besides the two outfits, I'm also going to share some fashion illustration collages with you because why not?

My first collage is made with an illustration of a girl in a red and blue dress. I made this fashion illustration some time ago (you can see it in more details here). I think it fits nicely with this location.  The location for these photographs is Raska Gora. We drove there to get some fresh air. The mountains are so beautiful, aren't they? If you ever decide to visit Mostar, I recommend visiting Raska Gora as well. This hill is only a short drive from the city, and the panorama is simply magnificent. You don't have to go all way up ( we didn't) to enjoy the beautiful view. I loved looking at Mostar from above. That's definitely one of the advantages of living it this city. The surrounding area is full of interesting places and sometimes it only takes 15 minutes to get to them. Our visit was a short one. We only took a few photographs, got some fresh air into our lungs and drove back home. However, even such a short visit proved to be very relaxing. That just goes to show how we sometimes get stuck in our ways and forget about the benefits of a simple walk or of spending half an hour in the open. Spending time outdoors is beneficial for our health, especially when we spend that time in nature. Moreover, in winter it is quite important to get some exposure to the sun. Sunshine doesn't lift our mood without reason, natural sunlight is filled with vitamins and other benefits. My advice of the day: wear some sun protection and enjoy the winter sun.



Now, I'm going to show you what I wore. I paired this old beige puffer of mine with a pair of jeggings, midcalf boots with high heels and my new oversize scarf. This was a very comfortable and warm outfit, simply perfect to stroll around and enjoy these magnificent views. In the background, you can see  mountain Velež   whose highest peak is 1,969 m tall. Velež was named after an ancient Slavic god of earth, waters and underworld. Veles  is an interesting part of slavic folklore, a deity connected with magic and trickery. I've never actually been to the top of this mountain, but it is on my to do list. 

You know when it is cold, a long puffer jacket is always a good choice. I wrote about that in more detail in my favourite winter outwear post. If you don't want your outfit to be too casual (because puffer jackets do have that casual vibe), you should wear these kind of jackets with more dressed up items such as suits (for both men and woman) or fancy dresses (for woman). High heels are always a great way to make an outfit feel more dressed up and feminine. 

Scarf: New Yorker, beige puffer: old, similar here, jeggings: old, boots: Peko

Isn't this view of Mostar everything? I always liked views from elevated places. I know I have already mentioned it on this blog, but supposedly views from bird perspective have a relaxing effect on us. I suppose that doesn't apply to those afraid of heights? However, I remember reading somewhere that watching bird eye perspective photographs can actually make us happier. Isn't that interesting? I think even those afraid of heights might enjoy those kind of photographs. I'm not sure is it an actual proven fact, though. I tried googling articles about it and came up with nothing. Maybe it is, like most things, individual. Some people enjoy views from elevated spaces more, some less. 


Here is another outfit I want to share featuring the same oversize scarf. This time I had paired it with a coat, jeans and ankle boots with high heels. Like the previous outfit, this one proved very warm and comfortable, which is very important in a winter outfit. I'm very practical when it comes to dressing in wintertime. I would never risk a cold for the sake of wearing something other than warm clothes. Besides, I really like warm clothes. Isn't it the whole point of winter fashion? Warm clothes? Isn't it what we are supposed to wear when it's cold? I feel like sometimes people go to far in braving the cold just to prove something. I know that everyone is different and some people feel warmer with less layers, but still one has to be practical. There will be plenty of time to show some skin once the summer arrives. Do you agree? 

This location is technically still part of Mostar city, just the elevated part of it. It's another place from which you can get great views of Mostar. If you're visiting or planning to visit, you might want to check out this How To Find Best Photo Worthy Locations in Mostar post, where I break down all the best panorama locations in Mostar city. 

Back to the outfit. Nothing is really new here besides the scarf. I didn't really take the advantage of post-holiday discounts this year. All I bought were two oversized scarves and a sweater for my husband. He has bought me a coat, and that's about it. I don't feel like going shopping, I guess I just feel like I have enough clothes. Do you ever feel that? It's not that I'm on a shopping ban, but with years I'm starting to buy less and less. I tend to buy clothes when I feel I need something or when I really like something. I don't like the buying for the sake of buying. This I believe leads to clutter. What is your opinion on this topic? I don't think there is a wrong or right answer when it comes to our buying habits. It's just a matter of finding what works right for us. Some people might enjoy buying new stuff often, which can be fine if they have a good system (for example if they donate or sell their clothes). Some people are just very good with organizing clothes. Some can afford more space, some less. There are many things to consider when it comes to our buying habits. 

I sometimes forget how comfortable jeans can be, but they really are the ultimate comfort item. No wonder they never go out of style. How do you style jeans in winter? Do you have any tips for wearing jeans in new or interesting ways? As I already mentioned, I think heels elevate every outfit. However, nowadays there are a lot of dressy flat models. I personally think flats look great with jeans. I think jeans look great paired with coloured or statement coats or jackets, perhaps because they tone them down. I also like to see jeans worn with faux fur jackets. How about you? What is your go to outfit in winter?

That would be all for today. Thank you for reading! I wish you a fantastic week ahead.


  1. Ahh, I'm definitely someone who it longing for Spring now haha - once Christmas is over I tend to very quickly get over the winter season! I love this winter look on you though babe, the scarf looks so cosy and chic on you! x

  2. Ci devo andare a Raska Gora! E mi devo anche comprare uno sciarpone beige perché non ne ho!
    Mi piace molto abbinato al cappotto bon ton con colore a contrasto1
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  3. Love your style! Fantastic post!
    Kisses :)

  4. I love your style and fashion ideas, these combination of those coats with that large scarf are fantastic.
    Love your look and your love your scarf.

  5. Mi piacciono i tuoi acquisti e anche le tue soluzioni moda

  6. We really must be on the same wavelength, Ivana. We just shot a video of ways to wear a large scarf like this. Mine is a little lighter weight, but still quite the same. It won't be on YouTube for another week or so, but you'll have to check it out.
    I always think that people overthink these scarves. Granted, I did in my video..ha ha. But just wrapping them around you can be so stylish. Just like you've shown!!

    1. great to know....and yes just wrapping them around can do the trick.

  7. It's such a cute and cosy scarf and will go with so much! I like your second outfit too, that's the kind of thing I wear a lot in winter, cosy jacket, big scarf and jeans!

    I'm doing a low-buy this year too, just like last year. I'm trying to downsize my wardrobe and buy less so I can get more use from the things I do have :)

    Hope that your week is going well! I've posted a new outfit linkup on my blog if you want to check it out :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  8. You styled it so well, love it! I can't wait spring tbh, but hey still another few months of cold to go through xx

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    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

  9. when talking about winter, I feel so cold.
    look so beautiful.
    greeting- evi erlinda

  10. Love the camel color of this scarf and the different ways you styled it!

  11. I can't wait for summer to come back, but winter is definitely lovely. I love how creative your images are. It's so interesting how you paired so many different elements in your collages.

    I also agree that a puffer jacket is a great choice for cold weather. I have several and I often wear them if I'm going to be outside for long periods of time.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

  12. I agree that suffer jacket is great for winter. Love you scarf

  13. wow so stunning options for cold winter days- you look great and this landscapes behind your back - I am breathless

  14. I also can't wait for the spring! Btw love so much the scarf and the color and especially your illustrations! Great job :)

    Have a lovely New Year, full of your dreams!

    xx Dasynka

  15. Raska Gora is amazing as well as your illustration! You are so talented! oversized scarf is my favorite piece during winter!
    Blog -
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  16. Io sono una di quelle che non vede l'ora che arrivi la primavera, non lo sopporto il freddo!
    In più, anche se mi piacciono moltissimo, non posso indossare spesso le sciarpe perchè mi irritano la pelle del viso (perfino i maglioni a collo alto a volte me la irritano), quindi al massimo le porto appoggiate sulle spalle ma senza arrotolarle intorno al collo.
    La tua è molto bella, mi piace soprattutto come la hai abbinata nel terzio look!
    Però quel panorama con le montagne innevate vince tutto, è meraviglioso! :D

    1. grazie, anche a me piace molto la panorama, adoro le montagne.

  17. Beautiful photos Ivana! I love the way you styled your scarf! It looks so warm!

  18. That really is a marvelous view of Mostar! And I love how your styling tips are both practical and stylish. I usually wear my scarves tucked inside my jackets but I'm totally inspired to try wearing them on the outside now :D

  19. I love both outfits, the illustrations too. The last outfit is my best. That coat is so beautiful. Kisses!

  20. You styled the scarf perfectly! I alway have such a hard time with the oversized ones lol Enjoy the rest of your week! ♥

    PerlaGiselle |

    Say hello and let’s follow each other <3 | INSTAGRAM

  21. Love the snowy mountain backdrop, & your stylish scarf is definitely a plus! xoxo

  22. bellissimo look :( però mi manca il caldo, la primavera per essere precisi anche se le mezze stagioni non ci sono più :(

  23. Winter definitely isn't going anywhere just now, that is the truth. These are wonderful and warm outfits to wear. Love the puffy coat, and the second coat is a fantastic colour. I love the sun shining in the winter, it makes such a lovely atmosphere!! Have a great Thursday lovely x

  24. Amazing pics!!
    I liked your outfit :)

  25. It looks so nice with the plum coat! Also I love the illustrations with the backgrounds of where you were!

    Corinne x

  26. Dear Ivana, the scarf you bought at New Yorker is great and you are right a scarf keeps wonderfully warm. I have to admit although I own many scarfs I wear them quite seldom - maybe because I don't get cold quickly. But you inspired me to wear some of my scarfs soon again!

    Both of the looks you show here are beautiful and so are you - and the locations, too! Mostar really as amazing surroundings and I agree that it is important also during the cold seasons to be on fresh air.

    I'm impressed about your buying habits!

    xx Rena

    1. I'm glad to have inspired you to wear scarves more often, as I'm sure you'll style them well.

  27. This scarf is so snuggly and I love the color!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  28. Hey Ivana, what a lovely look. Perfect for the cold days.
    The scarf suits you perfectly. And Iagain I have to admit, that I love the landscapes. Amazing.

    take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM

  29. I'm kinda ready for spring but not ready to give up my scarves!. This one is right up my street and looks so chic. Love how you've styled it. Gorgeous imagery as always. x

    Samantha |

  30. Yes, winter time is for cozy outfits, I'm with you! You look incredibly cozy while also being stylish, and your scarf will go with practically everything in your colorful wardrobe! The mountain vista is simply amazing! Your photos made me want to take a ride and visit our mountains. :) I agree with you about feeling happier when we see such elevated views! Happy New Year, dear Ivana!

    1. thank you, happy new year to you too. I hope you get to visit mountains soon.

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