How To Style Animal Print? + An Autumnal Fairy Tale at Ethno Village Near Medugorje

With winter at our doorstep, I think it's important to make the most out of the left over autumn days. With that in mind, my husband and I payed another visit to our favourite (still not officially opened!) ethno village in vicinity of Medugorje. I wrote about this eco/ethno village a number of times, so if you want to know more (or just see more photographs) feel free to check out my old posts herehereherehere and here.  Autumn is Herzegovina is always gorgeous, and this year hasn't been an exception. We had some sudden weather changes and drastic changes of temperature, but I would still describe this autumn as a beautiful one. The Sunday this photographs were taken on was rather gorgeous, so I'm certainly glad we went on this little trip. I know I'm repeating myself, but I do cherish moments like this. Every time I step into this little village, I feel as if the time has stopped or rather like I have just travelled in time. It's such a charming place! I have to say I'm really keen on this kind of rural tourism. If I had the time, I would totally book a weekend in some remote village and spend hours listening to birds signing. That sounds like paradise to me.

#fashionblog #herzegovina

How To Style Animal Print in a Subtle Way?

My outfit of the day is all about earthy and neutral colours. I wanted to wear animal print in a neutral way. This dress is an old favourite of mine. I must have worn it a hundred times already. Here I had paired it with brown boots with imitation snake print. The print (or rather texture) on the boots is quite subtle, and the boots themselves come in an earthy colour, so they are easy to style. I finished the outfit with a vintage brown blazer and bag. How do you like it? I think earthy or neutral colours are always a good way to wear animal print in a more elegant and sophisticated way. If you want to see another animal print outfit suggestions, you can check this one. Generally speaking, I think we should be careful with colours when we wear animal print, especially if we are going for a more elegant look. Not that we need to stick to the basical colours, but we might want to try to keep our other clothing items less colourful. Animal print is noticeable enough on its own, we don't need 100 other colour schemes to clash with it. Unless you're really good at print mixing and you feel it's your thing, then go for it. Otherwise, you might want to keep it a bit more simple. Keeping jewellerly to a minimum can be a great idea as well. Do you agree? What are your tips for wearing animal print?

What about you? Are you trying to get most out of these last warm autumnal days? Or are you already making plans for winter? Maybe it is already quite cold where you live, in that case you might feel like winter has already arrived. Which season do you prefer: autumn or winter, or maybe neither? What is your favourite thing about autumn? There are many things I love about autumn, but one thing that always gets me are the colours. Autumn is such a beautifully coloured season. When the leaves turn and you see them in different tones of gold, red, orange and so on, it is easy to believe there is still some magic left in the world. Do you feel that way or is it just me? 

A while ago, I wrote this: 'Autumn magic always appears when you least expect it but sometimes there is joy in being caught off guard. A pleasant surprise is always welcome. So, why not pleasantly surprise yourself ? Last minute picnic and perfect weather. An hour of blissful peace. It is autumn.'  I still do believe in autumn magic.  Every season has both its down and up sides. We do our best to adjust to each one. Nature seems to take this change of season gracefully, so we try our best to mimic its strategies. Sometimes imitating nature isn't a bad idea at all. Being inspired by nature is only natural, I'd say. 

So, we do our bests to keep up with autumn. We layer out outfits trying to keep up with the weather changes and often we have a lot of fun in the process. Autumn is a good time to remember that change can be a good thing...and that trying to control everything kills the joy in living. Make the most of every moment because you might not get that second change. Life is not always fair, nor does hard work pays off in the way people assume they do. People get easily discouraged if they don't experience success in the traditional sense of the word. However, there are many ways to be successful. Hard work has its benefits, even without the rewards granted. Doing the right thing gives us a feeling of inner peace but it does not mean traditional success is behind the corner either. Sometimes it never arrives and it's something to live with. Every investment, be it emotional, spiritual or material is a risk of some sorts. Life is a gamble, so when you get the change to have a moment of peace, cease it. One moment of autumn magic can be the rest from all that hard work that you need and deserve. Magic is not something that can be bought or earned, it is something that happens on its own.  Do not forget it.

If you like what I'm wearing, here is another women animal print dress to consider. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!


  1. Anche io adoro l'autnno, o meglio: all'inizio sono un pò triste perchè finisce l'estate che per me è sempre una stagione molto divertente, ma dura poco, poi la natura con il suo spettacolo mi tira sbito su di morale!
    Poi Roma, quando non piove, in autunno è meravigliosa e le temperature sempre molto miti ti permettono di godertela al massino!
    Bellissime le tue foto Ivana,quel villaggio deve esser estremamemnte interessante da visitare, e tu sei sempre molto elegante nei tuoi look!
    Mi piace molto come hai deciso di indossare l'animalier, risulti stilosa ma per nulla eccesiva!

  2. Dearest Ivana,
    Your dress is beautiful and you look great in it! Your look is both modern and stylish, as well as noble and elegant. I aggree, animal print combined with earthy tones looks very good. I like this style very much - here you see Leo combined with earthy, subtle tones:
    - but I also like animal print with rich red or orange tones:
    The fall was also here in Austria mostly beautiful - but now it has become cold - time for winter clothes! :-)
    Hugs, my dear!

    1. thank you. I hope to visit Austria some day too.

  3. That place is so relaxing!
    Mónica Sors

  4. I really like how you style animal print. Dress is so beautiful and boots also. But I can't wait to come again in Herzegovina, your photos remained me how beautiful nature is there.

    Blog -
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    1. thank you, and you're right, the nature is truly beautiful here.

  5. ah that village looks so picturesque, just a perfect place to have a day away. Love your tips and those boots are something! xx

    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

  6. It looks like such a lovely space to enjoy autumn, the colours of the leaves are beautiful! I wish we had an autumn like that here in Brisbane! Your dress is so nice too, great way to wear animal print in the cooler weather :)

    Hope that you are having a nice week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. it is a lovely place to enjoy autumn for sure!

  7. The place looks so beautiful! Perfect for photoshoot! *.*

  8. What a beautiful place!
    have a great weekend,

  9. This is such a great place. i love your pairing of the dress and boots. Kisses!

  10. I love animalier print!

  11. You look amazing dear! Lovely outfit and pictures!

  12. What a wonderful way to spend the day, Ivana!! It's like having the town to yourself and enjoy!!
    I adore that dress and it's such a great way to embrace animal prints!!

  13. at first I love this pictures, so lovely place.
    at second I don't feel animal print on me but your outfit is so subtle and I love it.

  14. It's a beautiful way to spend the day. Gorgeous place and you look splendid. I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead xx

  15. What a beautiful area to live! Looks like you had the perfect autumnal day. It's really cold here in the Uk, definitely time for wrapping up warm. Your dress is really lovely and suits you!

    Have a wonderful day.

    Samantha x

  16. amazing photos! really great post :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  17. You look lovely dear and lovely location! xx

  18. Really beautiful sweater dress. I like the leopard detail on it!

  19. Great tips!

    Mariya |

  20. Such a lovely dress there Ivana dear. Thank you for the useful styling tips. I love your perspective on autumn. Change can definitely be a good thing and yes to trying to make the most outta the moment. Great advice here.

  21. Odličan post , outfit i fotografije! :)
    Novi post -

  22. Dear Ivana, I see you really have a wonderful autumn in your country! How good you could enjoy that Sunday in this historical village (which is a secret tip for me as it still hasn't opened). Wishing you your wish comes true to make it possible to spend a weekend there ... Personally, I can't answer what season I like most as in my opinion every season has its advantages :) In Bavaria it is already cold and we had already snow. The region where we are at the moment is very similar to the climate in Bavaria ... Love how you styled the leo dress, it looks fantastic! Happy weekend, dear Ivana!
    xx Rena

  23. Super tendencia ese vestido!!

  24. I like to say that Fall is such a show off. And oh my goodness, its totally doing its thing in your neck of the woods. How beautiful, how colorful!!!! And what a lovely contrast with you outfit of color. That venue is lovely. I know you'll make more visits and thoroughly enjoy it when it finally opens. Lovely dress and great fit on you Ivana. For having worn it many times, it still looks great. I like it shown with the brown boots. Thats a great twist as most people would have expected black. It's not that cold here yet so we're still enjoying Fall. Our winter only lasts for one month and the days begin to get longer again. My mom is in Canada now and it's snowing like crazy there already. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. yes, brown and black is often a great combo. It took me a while to discover this combo combination but now I love it. Here winter sometimes lasts for three months but sometimes it feels more like autumn in the beginning so we also get this feeling like it last shorter.

  25. Fits on you very well :)
    Please follow my blog and I follow yours back!

  26. Che bello questo villaggio ivana e che bei colori autunnali ! Mi piace tantissimo il vestito che indossi perchéla stampa animalier è davvero ben dosata!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  27. Ma quanto sei stilosa, Ivana? Bello questo abito animalier e il villaggio è delizioso!
    Kisses, Paola.


  28. 😊 great photos have a nice weekend

  29. Wonderful dress, u look really perfect!

  30. lovely photos with a beautiful girl.
    greeting- evi erlinda

  31. Molto belle le tue foto... Mi piace molto il vestito con la stampa animalier e come l'hai abbinato. Buona domenica!

  32. I was just reading about how the Farmers almanac is predicting a long and cold winter and thinking that I need to get out and enjoy what’s left of autumn as much as possible now because I’m probably going to just want to hibernate at home once it gets bitterly cold. I have joint pain and don’t deal well with frigid temperatures. I remember you featuring this ethno village before. It looks so charming and inviting. Your outfit is lovely and such a stylish way to wear animal print.

    1. I can relate because I get joint pain when it's cold too.

  33. Oh you know me - there is always magic in the world. :)
    Lovely photos! You look beautiful! Animal print looks perfect in nature, naturally. :) And I love your boots - very unique!
    Much love, my dear!

  34. Unas fotos preciosas! El lugar relaja muchoo, se ve hermoso .)

  35. You look Marvelous my dear Ivana 😍

  36. You look fab! Animal prints will forever be my fave prints!!

    Happy Cyber Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  37. Lovely photos Ivana! And I liked that you picked such a nice place to shoot this outfit.

    I have a hate-love relationship with animal print, I feel like it is not for me but I love to see how other bloggers and persons get to style it, by far I love your proposal, is not too much but the print is just in the exact dose, you look casual-elegant to attend more than one event and that is a difficult thing to achieve in an outfit so congratulations ;)

    Such an important decision to take, right? :) Actually your wedding ring is beautiful and elegant, I feel like it is a timeless piece that is full of meaning and I could understand why is so important to analyze all the options in the market to take the best decision (even tho there are many many cool options around by far as I know). I feel like a minimalistic option could be the best option, maybe with a precious stone in the middle, but of course it comes to different tastes ;)

    Have you seen the proposals by Tom Ford last year? He is using a lot of animal prints, even in radiant and vibrant colors, you could get a lot of inspo from him if you're into animal print :D


    1. I can't recall have I seen Tom Ford last year....maybe...but I will definitely look his collection up because I do love animal print. Thank you for your kind comment.

  38. Very stylish to wear animal print! Beautiful pictures Ivana! Have a great weekend!

  39. So many beautiful photos, dear Ivana! This ethno village is really amazing. It must be a really magical place.

    Your outfit is amazing too! I love this animal print dress and how you paired it with the cool brown boots and blazer. I would love to wear this outfit myself like that, but it suits you muuuuuuch better anyway ;-))) You look very pretty and I envy you for your great figure :-)

    I like autumn very much, but I do´nt like the prospect that it will be winter for months ...

    Love, Nadine

  40. Uzivam u fotografijama draga moja! Haljina ti savrseno stoji. Leopard print jako volim vec godinama.

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