From sketch to painting (Fashion illustrations of the day) / Od skice do slike (Modne ilustracije dana)

Truth be told, I've been into fashion illustration ever since I was a kid. I have so many sketchbook filled with fashion illustration. Back in the nineties, I would sometimes draw them in MS paint. Remember when paint (windows) was a thing? However, I have always felt more comfortable with paper. I love digital art, but I'm not very good at it. Personally I prefer working on paper. So, here I am, turned thirty and still working on fashion illustrations. Sometimes you grow out some things, sometimes you make them your own. Do you have a hobbies like that, hobbies that you have been doing for a long time? Do you think it's good to stick to one hobby? I think that whatever works for us, works for us. Sometimes it is good to try something new, sometimes it is good to stick with something we genuinely like. I do have other hobbies,  but this is something I love to come back to.

Istinu govoreći, zanimam se modnim ilustracijama otkada sam bila mala. Imam hrpu bilježnica ispunjenih njima. Devedesetih godina, ponekad bi ih crtala u MS paintu. Sjećate se kada je taj paint na windowsima bio nešto? No, uvijek sam se osjećala ugodnije radeći s papirom. Volim digitalnu umjetnost, ali mi baš i ne ide dobro. Osobno preferiram rad na papiru. Tako da me evo, napunila sam tridesetu, a još uvijek radim na modnim ilustracijama.  Ponekad neke stvari prerastete, a ponekad postanu dio vaše svakodnevnice. Imate li takve hobije, hobije kojima se dugo bavite? Mislite li da je dobro držati se nekoga hobija? Mislim da je što god bilo dobro za nas, dobro za nas. Ponekad je dobro probati nešto novo, ponekad je dobro držati se neke stvari koje nam odgovara. Imam ja i druge hobije,  ali ovo je nešto čemu se volim vraćati. 

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda #pencildrawing

#originalfashionillustration #painting #watercolour #fashionillustration #modaodaradosti

The winner of yesterday's giveaway is Idu from Fashionably Idu. Congrats! While we are on the subject, do check out her blog, she is a gorgeous and inspiring lady! In the spirit of the season, today I decided to host another giveaway. The rules are the same. If you want to win the original illustrations featured in this post, make a comment saying so. All the fashion illustrations featured in this post will be sent to the first person who comments saying he/she wants it.  Thank you for participating. 

Pobjednica jučerašnjega darivanja je Idu s Fashionably Idu bloga. Čestitam! Kad smo već kod toga, posjetite njen blog, ona je predivna i nadahnujuća žena! U duhu blagdana, odlučila sam imati još jedno darivanje. Pravila su ista. Želite li osvojite originalne ilustracije pokazane u ovoj objavi, ostavite komentar kojim to kažete. Sve modne ilustracije iz ove objave će biti poslane osobe koja komentira da ih želi. Hvala na sudjelovanju. 

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing

Sometimes I draw illustrations in pencil and decide to fill them in with watercolour later. I don't have a preferred media. Fashion illustrations are usually done with pencils, markers (especially copic markers) and watercolour. It is not common that someone does them with acrylic or oil paints. I have actually done that, I have painted fashion illustrations with both acrylic and oil paints.  I haven't see anyone else do it, though. Oil are acrylic paints are not the traditional fashion illustration medium. I'm only am amateur artist, but I did listen to some professional fashion illustrators and they did point out that oil and acrylic are not traditionally used for fashion illustration. However, as long as one is doing it for herself/himself, I guess that one doesn't have to worry about the medium. Besides doing fashion illustration, I'm also into traditional painting, so that might be why I also choose to work with acrylic and oil paints. I took several art courses (in one gallery), so I can say I familiarized myself a bit with basic painting techniques. My experience has been totally positive, so I would definitely recommend taking an art course to anyone who enjoys painting.

Ponekad nacrtam ilustracije s olovkom i kasnije ih odlučim popuniti s vodenim bojama. Nemam neki omiljeni medij. Modne ilustracije se obično rade s olovkama, markerima i vodenim bojama. Nije uobičajeno da se rade s akrilnim ili uljanim bojama. Ja sam to zapravo radila, slikala sam modne ilustracije i s akrilnim i s uljanim bojama, ali nisam vidjela da to itko drugi to radi. Ulje i akrilne boje nisu tradicionalni medij za modne ilustracije. Ja se time bavim amaterski, ali slušala sam neke profesionalne modne ilustratore i oni kažu da se uljane i akrilne boje tradicionalno ne koriste u modnoj ilustraciji. Međutim, ako se netko time bavi samo za sebe, onda se valjda i ne treba zamarati s medijem. Osim modnih ilustracija, zanimam se i tradicionalnim slikanjem, pa možda i zato odabirem raditi i s akrilnim bojama i uljem. Išla sam na nekoliko tečajeva slikanja u jednoj galeriji, tako da sam se malo upoznala s osnovnim tehnikama slikanja. Moje iskustvo je bilo jako pozitivno, tako da bi svakome tko uživa u slikanju preporučila da krene na takav tečaj.

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda  #pencildrawing

#modaodaradosti #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing

#pencil #art #fromsketchtopainting

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing

#fashionillustration #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing

I'm not in any way an authority for fashion illustration, though. If someone doesn't like my art, that's perfectly fine. It is just a hobby of mine. Most of you have actually responded very positively to my illustrations and that is one of the reasons why I decided to start hosting fashion illustration giveaways. Still, I'm a language not an art teacher. There are people out there who actually teach fashion illustration, so those of you who want to know more should probably look them up. I'm a fan of Zoe Hong ( I think I already said that) and here is a link to her channel. I think I still have a lot to learn about watercolour, because those art courses I took were more focused on oil and acrylic painting. I'm trying to develop my own style of fashion illustration. I'm not sure if I'm there yet, but I think I'm starting to notice certain tendencies in my drawing styles, tendencies that may or may not develop into a personal style. Anyhow, I'm happy to do it as a hobby. I'm also happy to share it with you. Thank you for reading. 

No, nisam nikako neki stručnjak za modnu ilustraciju. Ako se nekome ne sviđa moje slikanje, to je sasvim u redu. To je samo moj hobi. Većina vas je zapravo reagirala jako pozitivno na moje ilustracije i to je jedan od razloga zašto sam počela organizirati darivanja modnih ilustracije. Ipak, ja sam učitelj jezika, ne ilustracije. Postoje osobe koje doista podučavaju modnu ilustraciju, tako da svi vi koje želite znati više o tome bilo bi dobro da ih potražite. Meni se osobno jako sviđa Zoe Hong (mislim da sam je već spominjala), a ovdje je link na njen kanal.  Mislim da još imam dosta toga za naučiti o vodenim bojama, možda zato što su ti tečajevi na kojima sam bila, bili više fokusirani na ulje i akrilne boje. Pokušavam razviti neki svoj stil modne ilustracije. Nisam sigurna jesam li do toga još došla, ali mislim da primjećujem neke tendencije koje će možda, a možda i neće postati moj osobni stil. Uglavnom, sretna baviti ovim kao hobijem. Sretna sam i što mogu to podijeliti sa vama. Hvala vam na čitanju.

#modaodaradosti #fashionillustration #moda #watercolour #pencildrawing


  1. Dear Ivana,
    what a wonderful idea to host your fantastic fashion illustrations as giveaway! I'm still very thankful for the illustration you made about one of my outfits and I use it still as my Whats App profile picture :) Personally I really like your illustrations and I think as you doing this since such a long time you developed obviously huge skills in this context. As usual I like your illustration of today.
    Yes, I still have at least one hobby I had already as a child: I loved to read as child and this still belongs to the most beloved things in my life. And I know I was already as child really into fashion :)
    Dear Ivana, I hope you are well so far and I wish you wonderful and very happy Christmas with your loved ones!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. thank you for your sweet comment. If you would like to receive this illustrations, let me know. The rule of the giveaway is that the first person who comments saying they want the illustrations will get them.

  2. you got nice ideas about fashion styles Ivana! i prefer the upper left look - nice!



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All your comments mean a lot to me, even the criticism. Naravno da mi puno znači što ste uzeli vrijeme da nešto napišete, pa makar to bila i kritika. Per me le vostre parole sono sempre preziose anche quando si tratta di critiche.

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