My fashion illustration of the day/ Moja modna ilustracija dana (blue jacket and purple skirt/ plava jakna i ljubičasta suknja) 5.12.2016

Modern princess. This is what this painting makes me think of. Lately, I've noticed that women are starting to wear dresses and skirts more often. This makes me very happy not only because it is a style I personally favour, but because more versatility is always good. I mean there is nothing wrong with jeans, but they have (sort of) became a uniform, haven't they? Sometimes I feel that jeans have ventured too much into a comfort zone (for most of us anyway). It is like this magical denim item makes things (too?) easy for us and thus we experiment less. Not that I'm an an anti-jeans advocate. I'm wearing a pair of flares as I'm typing this. It just that I love to see  women wearing skirts and dresses more often. What I like even more is that skirts and dresses come in such a variety of styles and lengths today: pencil, A-cut, midi, mini, bodycon, bohemian, princess name it, you can find it in shops, virtual or material ones.  

Moderna princeza. Na to me ova slika podsjeća. U zadnje vrijeme, primijetila sam da žene češće nose haljine i suknje. Ovo me čini sretnom ne samo zato jer je to stil koji osobno volim, nego i zato jer je više raznolikosti dobro. Mislim nije da su traperice po nečemu loše, ali su nekako postale uniforma, zar ne? Nekad mi se čini da su previše otišle u tu zonu ugode (barem za većinu nas). Čini mi se da ovaj čarobni komad trapera čini stvari (previše?) lakima za nas i tako manje eksperimentiramo. Ne da imam nešto protiv traperica. Upravo sada dok tipkam ovo nosim par traperica zvonastoga kroja. Radi se samo o tome da mi se sviđa vidjeti kako žene nose suknje i haljine češće. Ono što mi se sviđa još više je to da sada haljine i suknje dolaze u puno raznih stilova i dužina: olovka ili široki kroj, dužina iznad,  do ili ispod koljena, a tu su i jako uske haljine (takozvane bodycon) i one u bohemskom ili princeza stilu...što god vam padne na pamet, možete to pronaću u dućanu, virtualnom ili stvarnom.

One of the things I love seeing is when dresses and skirts get worn in a casual way. I see many of my blogging buddies doing this and I always love it when they rock those kind of outfits (you know who you are!). Styling feminine items in casual way is not that difficult.  All you need is to layered them with a leather jacket (or some other cool casual item) and wear comfortable shoes (sneakers, flats) as opposed to more dressed up options (heels, stilettos).  I must say that I always feel more feminine when I'm wearing a skirt or a dress. Not that I think these items should be reserved for us ladies (yet in West they often are). I actually think that it is cute when man are bold enough to wear either of the two. 
Jedna od stvari koju stvarno volim vidjeti je kada se suknje i haljine nose na ležeran način. Vidim dosta blogerica koje to rade i kada nose takve odjevne kombinacije baš mi ih je gušt vidjeti (znate o kome se radi:). Zapravo se ti neki ženstveni odjevni komadi daju lako pretvoriti u ležerne kombinaciji. Sve što trebate je obući kožnu jaknu (ili neki slični ležerni komad) preko i nositi udobne cipele (tenisice i ravne cipele), za razliku od onih sređenih cipela (visokih peta i štikli). Ja moram reći da se uvijek osjećam nekako ženstvenije kada nosim haljinu ili suknju. Ne da mislim da bi ovi odjevni komadi trebali biti rezervirani samo za nas dame (iako na zapadu nekako i jesu). Mislim da je slatko kada se muškarci odvaže pa nose nešto takvo. 

She Walks in Beauty

Related Poem Content Details

She walks in beauty, like the night 
Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 
And all that’s best of dark and bright 
Meet in her aspect and her eyes; 
Thus mellowed to that tender light 
Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 

One shade the more, one ray the less, 
Had half impaired the nameless grace 
Which waves in every raven tress, 
Or softly lightens o’er her face; 
Where thoughts serenely sweet express, 
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. 

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow, 
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, 
The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 
But tell of days in goodness spent, 
A mind at peace with all below, 
A heart whose love is innocent!


*no special reason for citing his poem, I just love Byron so much and that love sometimes needs an outlet. I do imagine Byron's beautiful cousin (the one that inspired this poem, forgot her name) wearing a blue dress (or maybe I read it somewhere and it is actually true that she was wearing a blue dress when he saw her) so in some sense it is connected with the theme of this post. You could even go so far and say that is where a part of inspiration came from.

What about you ladies (and possibly also gentlemen)? What is your favourite way of wearing dresses and/or skirts? Do you wear them often? Do you find them practical? What is your preferred length when it comes to skirts and dresses? I think that in the more recent past, we started to associate skirt and dresses with formal looks (or business attire) or reserved them for special occasions. Fortunately this is changed and now we're all daring to wear these items more often and finding ways to style them on daily basis. This is not hard to do actually. I truly believe that every women can find a dress or skirt that would make her feel comfortable. It is just a matter of finding what material, length and cut works best for you. Try a bunch of them on and see how you feel. Winter months should put you off. I mean tights and leggings are as warm as jeans and often (depending on how thick they are) they can actually be a lot warmer.

Što vi dame ( a možda i gospoda) kažete? Koji je vaš najdraži način nošenja haljina i suknji? Nosite li ih često? Jesu li vam praktične? Koja je vaša najdraža duljina kada su one u pitanju? Mislim da smo u nedavnoj prošlosti nekako počeli suknje i haljine povezivati s formalnom osjećom (ili onom za posao) ili bi ih čuvali za posebne prigode. Srećom to se sve promijenilo i sada se usuđujemo nositi ove predmete češće pa pronalazimo načine kako bi ih uklopili u svakodnevno odijevanje.  To i nije tako tešlp. Stvarno vjerujem da svaka žena može pronaći haljinu ili suknju u kojoj će se osjećati ugodno. Samo je u pitanju izbor materijala, dužine i kroja koji vam najbolje odgovara. Probajte ih dosta i vidite kako se osjećate. Zima vas tu ne bi trebala omesti jer najlonke, tajice i gege su jednako tople kao i traperice, a ovisno o njihovoj debljini mogu biti deblje od traperice i zato i toplije.

This illustration (from a strict technical point of view it is actually a painting because the medium is aquarelle) was created on a paper. I drawn the sketch in pencil and then I used watercolours to fill it in. I added some finishing touches with a brown marker (such as eyebrows, hands and chin) because I forgot to bought a really thin brush ( I need to do that). I will probably be uploading a YouTube video of this illustration soon enough.  I don't want to sound immodest but I really love this painting. Both the outfit I illustrated and the girl seem somehow right. My fashion illustrations are never really just sketches for clothes. I hardly ever make clothes myself. It is more that I'm trying to convey what clothes feel like- and put it on paper. Yes, that's what I'm trying to do. I think this time  I actually came close, so good for me.

Ova ilustracija (strogo tehnički gledano radi se o slici jer je u pitanju akvarel) je stvorena na papiru. Nacrtala sam skicu olovkom i onda sam koristila vodene boje da bi je popunila. Dodala sam neke završne poteze smeđim markerom (obrve, ruke i bradu) jer sam zaboravila kupiti onaj jako tanki kist koji mi treba za to (moram se sjetiti toga sutra kada budem u galeriji). Vjerovatno ću uskoro i na YouTube kanalu prenijeti ovu ilustraciju. Ne želim zvučati neskromno ali baš mi se sviđa ova slika. Nekako mi se i odjevna kombinacija i djevojka čine kako treba. Moje modne ilustracije nikada nisu samo skice za odjeću. Jako rijetko sama šivam zapravo. Više se radi o tome da pokušavam izraziti kakav nam osjećaj daje odjeća- i to staviti na papir. To pokušavam napravim. Mislim da sam ovaj put došla blizu, tako da dobro za mene.

                                                 LET'S CONNECT:





  1. Wow, beautiful! I love the illustration. Great detail. :)


  2. I prefer skirts and dresses because these are more feminen.

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  4. OMG dear :P Really that you use L'Oreal foundation?1 I really want to try this foundations :p

    Perfect draw as usual. I'm so excited to received mine :D

    Thanks a lot :D

    NEW BLOGGER TIPS POST | How do I manage my Instagram: Organization and Edition.
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

    1. you're welcome dear! Yes, I use True Match, it's great, I recommend it:)

  5. Dear Ivana, first of all, your painting of this cute girl is stunning. The way you draw the face reminds me on the great paintings from Mondigliani ...

    I can only support your pleading that women should wear skirts and dresses mor often. You know, how much I love to wear a skirt or a dress and it´s great that you think it´s cute if a man wears skirts too.
    Actually I find wearing a skirt is practical and comfortable even it takes more attention. And of course, I feel much more feminine when I am wearing a skirt or a dress ;-))

    xxxxx Nadine

    Thank you so much for your lovely and understanding comments!!!

    1. thank you Nadine..that is exactly how I feel.
      and I wish you all the best always!

  6. I like wearing dresses so much but don't like wearing skirts))
    Such lovely painting, as always. Love your works, Ivana!

  7. Perfect illustration:) You are amazing:*

  8. Zaista impresivna ilustracija! Da zaista i ja sam primetila da zene ponovo sve vise oblace suknje i haljine i to me raduje jer zenstvenost i treba negovati. Ja obozavam i suknje i pantalone i oblacim ih u skladu sa dnevnim raspolozenjem, a sto se krojeva suknji tice ne mogu samo jedan da izdvojim. Nekad sam u leprsavoj, nekad mini, nekad pencil, sve zavisi :-)
    Veliki pozdrav

    1. hvala...slažem se, ženstvenost treba njegovati.

  9. You're right, jeans are definitely our comfort item. The easy way out. :p

    GIVEAWAY on My kind of joy: Gosh Makeup kit

  10. OH wow I so appreciate this post. I love your illustrations and especially the lavender accent colors :-) A job well done! I also love the versatility of dresses and skirts, bravo women!

    kellmenow |
    Instagram |

  11. Loved the illustration as usual, dear Ivana, and I loved the skirt - I could feel the fabric through the painting! I loved Byron's poem, lucky his cousin to inspire so beautiful words! True, skirts and dresses are more feminine, I guess, and I also love denim for weekly appointments - but on Sundays, most of the time, I wear skirts and dresses. I love casual outfits, and I most of the time wear skirts and dresses with denim jackets - even the ones that are considered like "oh, this fabric deserves a silk blazer". Cause I like them that way :) I really don't mind wearing anything golden or silver with a denim jacket :) Lovely post as usual, dear Ivana! Hope you have a nice week, hugs!

    1. thank you, yes lucky her:)
      so interesting you wear skirts and dresses on Sundays!

  12. I really like your illustration, Ivana, definately this woman looks like modern princess, she has such a lovely shade of hair. What about your post, personally I feel even more comfortable in skirts and dresses than in jeans (yes, really) and in my opinion dresses are versatile and easy to style with the rest of the outfit, because when I wear dress, I don't have to think about: "which blouse/top should I wear?". I know that this reason maybe it's quite odd, but it allows to save some time, especially on the morning, when I always do things in hurry. Moreover, I agree with your point of view - nowadays a lot of women treat jeans like uniform and they wear them too often.
    Have a lovely evening, Ivana! :)

    1. thank you ...yes, dresses are easier to style.

  13. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  14. I am still trying to break my habit of wearing jeans and leggings and to try giving skirts and dresses more attention. I think jeans in general is so much easier to wear and move around in especially when chasing after my little one.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. thanks dear, leggings are always a comfy option.

  15. Mislim da ova predivna ilustracija nije mogla bolje da se uklopi uz tvoje reči. Baš predstvalja sve ono što si navela, a ja sa slažem sa svakom stavkom. Nemam ništa protiv pantalona, ali su nekako naglo otišle od prvobitnog simbola "buntovništva" do udobnosti, da ne kažem nezainteresovanosti za odeću. Danas stvarno ima za svakoga po nešto, mislim da nikada nije bilo toliko varijanti na temu haljina i suknji, a one su uveliko prestale da budu rezervisane za specijalne prilike. Uz tople čarapice, pristaju čak i zimi. Ja ih često nosim, mada ipak haljinama dajem malu prednost :)

  16. You really did yourself proud with this painting!! The textures are fantastic, you really did capture them amazingly!!! That top genuinely looks like a woolly, fluffy jumper!

    I adore wearing skirts and dresses, they are definitely my uniform of choice, more often than not, with leggings and Doc Martens!! I virtually never wear jeans!!!

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