Hemingway and Wilde: What did they have in common? / Hemingway and Wilde: Što su imali zajedničko?

Today outfit is all about neutral and warm colours. We might talk about wearing neutral colours in Autumn because lately I've been warming up to a warm earthly colour palette. We might, but we won't. Instead of that we're going to talk about Hemingway. Ernest Hemingway. The importance of being Earnest. Actually, I could draw some parallels between Hemingway and Wilde, for example both of them had a very recognizable writing style. You could take a sentence from any of their works- and know their style immediately. Wilde was famous for his word play, Hemingway for the simplicity of his writing. You might be surprised to learn this, but there are some claims about Hemingway's homosexuality. Yes, the ultimate macho guy might not have been entirely straight.

One of my professors, had this theory that Hemingway committed suicide because of his homosexual experiments. Personally, I don't believe it. You can never really know why someone committed suicide.Hemingway, like his father, suffered from a serious health problem that made his depression worse (a condition that prevents iron absorption). In addition, Ernest was a heavy drinker for most of his life.  There isn't any real proof of Hemingway's possible bisexuality (I think we can rule out homosexuality on account of him being married so many times). Earnest (or Ernest) might be considered a fortunate name, but Hemingway seems almost a cursed last name. As all you might know, many individuals in Hemingway's family committed society, from his father to his siblings and himself to the most recent case- the suicide of his granddaughter who was a famous model. 

Današnja odjevna kombinacija je u neutralnim i toplim bojama. Mogli bismo pričati o neutralnim bojama u našoj jesenjoj garderobi, jer u zadnje vrijeme sam nešto zagrijana za ovu toplu, zemljanu paletu boja. Mogli bismo, ali nećemo. Umjesto toga, pričati ćemo o Hemingway-u. Ernest Hemingway. Važno je zvati se Earnest. Zapravo bi čak i mogla povući neke paralele između Hemingway-a i Wilde-a. Možete uzeti bilo koju rečenicu iz bilo kojega njihova djela i odmah ih prepoznati po njihovom stilu. Wilde je bio poznat po svojoj igri riječima, a Hemingway po jednostavnosti svoga pisanja. Možda će vas to iznenaditi, ali postoje neke indikacije o homoseksualnosti ovoga mačo pisca. Da, toga ultimativnoga mačo tipa. Možda i nije bio potpuno heteroseksualan. 

Jedan od mojih profesora imao je teoriju da je Hemingway počinio samoubojstvo radi svojih homoseksualnih eksperimenata, ali ja u to ne vjerujem. Ne može se nikada zasigurno znati zašto je netko počinio samoubojstvo. Hemingway je kao i njegov otac, patio od ozbiljnoga zdrastvenoga problema ( nemogućnosti željeza da se apsorbira u krv),  što je pogoršavalo njegovu depresiju, a uz to cijeli život je previše pio. Zapravo ne postoji nikakav dokaz biseksualnosti Hemingway-a (a mislim da zbog brojnih brakova i žena homoseksualnost možemo isključiti).  Earnest (ili Ernest) se može smatrati sretnim imenom, ali Hemingway prezime gotovo da nosi kletvu. Kao što možda znate, brojni pojedinci iz Hemingwayove obitelji su počinili samoubojstvo, od njegovoga oca, brata i sestre, njega samoga te (najnoviji slučaj) njegove unuke koja je bila poznata manekenka.

Hemingway and Wilde are both (at least occasionally) perceived as man who looked down on women in their writing, but I think this perception is false. I'm sure neither of them were ideal husbands, but their writing this suffer from it. Wilde is sometimes mistaken for a woman- hater, because of some quotes taken out of the context. In reality, Oscar Wilde supported the women’s right movement and suffragettes, he wrote for female magazines and advocated the rights of women. Hemingway is  criticized for being a misogynist/chauvinist, but if you have read ALL of his writing, you would have known him to be more complex than that. When it came to describing and examining gender roles, Hemingway was surprisingly bold for his time. Take for example,  The Garden of Eden, which also happens to be my favourite novel of his. There you have a women who enjoys pretending she is a guy. However, today I won’t talk about that one, instead I will talk about my first Hemingway.

Hemingway i Wilde su oboje (barem ponekad) viđeni kao muškarci koji su nepovoljno pisali o ženama. Mislim da ovo tumačenje i nema smisla. Sigurna sam da nijedan on njih nije bio idealan muž, ali to se nije odrazilo u njihovom pisanju. Wilde ponekad smatraju mrziteljem žena, na temelju nekih citata izvađenih iz konteksta. Zapravo je Oscar Wilde podržavao pokret za prava žena i sufražetkinje, pisao za ženske časopise i promicao prava žena. Hemingway-a također proglašavaju šovinistom, ali ako ste pročitali sva njegova djela onda ste vidjeli da je on puno složeniji od toga. Kada je u pitanju propitivanje uloga spolova, Hemingway je bio iznenađujuće hrabar za svoje vrijeme. Uzmite za primjer Rajski vrt, koji je moj najdraži njegov roman. Tamo imate lik žena koja uživa u tome da se pretvara da je muškarac. No, danas neću govoriti o njemu, već ću govoriti o prvome djelu ovoga pisca koje sam čitala.

The Old Man and The Sea was the first thing I've read by Hemingway. Hardly surprising, because it is a part of curriculum for 4th graders. Needless to say, I wasn't able to fully comprehend this story in fourth grade. Why? Because of the story itself? Because of some complex analogy? No, I actually don't believe there is a single analogy or symbolism in this story. It is a story about an old man catching fish, simple as that. What makes this story deep is not some symbol of analogy, but the  incredibly insightful psychological and spiritual portrayal of one old man. As a child, one is simply (and understandably) not able to relate to the experience of growing old- not in a way an adult can. As adults we can find new depth in this story. The story is only seemingly simple and straight-forward. The narrative composed of simple sentences makes you feel like you’re reading some simplified old fairy-tale, but that is only an illusion. There is a lot of profound sadness in this short novel. At the end of the story, you're either able to understand the old man or you are not.  You either get it or not.

Starac i more je prvo njegovo djelo koje sam pročitala. To i nije neko iznenađenje, jer je dio kurikuluma za četvrti razred osnovne škole. Mislim da ne moram naglašavati da nisam mogla potpuno razumjeti ovu priču u četvrtom razredu. Zašto? Zbog sam priče? Zbog neke složene usporedbe? Ne, zapravo ne vjerujem da u ovoj priču postoji ikakva analogija ili simbolizam. To je doista priča o starcu koji lovi ribu. Ono što čini ovu priču dubokom nije neka alegorija ili simbol, već nevjerojatno duboki psihološki i duhovni portret jednoga starca. Kad smo djeca, naravno da se ne možemo poistovjetiti s iskustvom starenja na način na koji to odrasla osoba može. Kao odrasli možemo pronaći novu dubinu u ovoj priči. Ova priča je samo na prvi pogled jednostavna. Pripovjedni slijed koji se sastoji od jednostavnih rečenica čini da mislite kako čitate neku pojednostavljenu bajku, ali to je samo iluzija. Ovaj kraći roman je ispunjen dubokom tugom. Na kraju priče, ili možete razumijete starca ili ne možete. Ili ste ga shvatili ili niste.

In fourth grade, I was able to comprehend this short novel from a point of a way of a child. I liked it, but I failed to see the full tragedy of it. I couldn’t really feel Santiago’s pain. How could have I had felt it at that age? How could have I know how cruel life can be? Children don’t need to know that and this story won’t let them know because the tragedy of it is not really in the open. It is something that is left to our imagination. This is the kind of story that takes a particular reader- one that is ready to open its heart to it. In order to understand it, you need to have been Santiago in some point of your life- or rather you need to be able to fully emphasize with him.  However, that is only one layer of this story. This is one of those are stories that are equally rewarding to adults and children. This short novel functions well on different levels. The message it will carry on to a child is different from those it has instore for an adult.

U četvrtom osnovne, mogla sam shvatiti ovaj kraći roman samo iz kuta viđenja djeteta. Svidio mi se, ali nisam mogla shvatiti njegovu punu tragediju. Nisam mogla doista osjetiti Santijagovu bol. Kako sam ju mogla osjetiti u toj dobi? Kako sam mogla znati kako okrutan život može biti? To djeca ne moraju znati i ova priča im to neće otkriti jer ta tragedija nije na otvorenom. To je nešto što je ostavljeno našoj mašti. Ovo je vrsta priča kojoj treba određeni čitatelj- onakav koji će joj otvoriti srce. Da biste ju razumjeli, morate biti Santiago u nekoj točki svoga života, to jest morate moži potpuno suosjećati s njim. No, to je samo jedan sloj ove priče. Ovo je jedna od onih priča koje su jednako bogate poukama i za djecu i za odrasle. Ovaj kratki roman dobro funkcionira na više razina. Poruka koju će prenijeti djetetu različita je od one koju će prenijeti odrasloj osobi.

Santiago is a fisherman, that is who he is. He loves and respects the fish, and he even wonders whether it is a sin to kill it. However, if he didn’t, what would happen? People wouldn’t stop eating fish, would they? Is it better to love and respect the fish you kill or does that makes the killing worse? My older self would say- it is always better to love. We must love…and unfortunately we must also be human- that is imperfect. With our imperfect brains, our imperfect bodies, our imperfect hearts, we must go on and love and try to live our lives bravely and with style. We all kill what we love. It is the tragedy of life. It is not possible to live and not to hurt anybody. We all inflict pain to ourselves and o others. We kill- in one way or other- others, ourselves, dreams and memories.  We’re pressured to do certain things and sometimes all we can do is choose between the lesser evil. To do what we can, to do our best- and held our head high even as we know it might not be or is not enough. And we must love...and always love and respect.

Santiago je ribar, to je ono što jest. On voli i poštuje ribu, pa se čak pita je li grijeh ubiti ju. No, kada to ne bi učinio, što bi se dogodilo? Ljudi ne bi prestali jeli ribu, zar ne? Je li bolje voljeti i poštovati ribu koji ubijaš ili to čini sve gorim? Moje starije ja ( možda i mudrije) kaže da je uvijek bolje voljeti. Moramo voljeti, a nažalost moramo i biti ljudi...to jest nesavršeni. S našim nesavršenim mozgovima, nesavršenih tijelima, nesavršenim srcima, moramo ići dalje i voljeti i pokušati živjeti svoj život hrabro i sa stilom. Svi mi ubijamo ono što volimo. To je tragedija života. Nije moguće živjeti i nikoga ne povrijediti. Svi moramo nanositi bol i sebi i drugima. Mi svi ubijamo, na ovaj ili onaj način, sebe, druge, snove i uspomene. Svi smo pod pritiskom da radimo određene stvari, ali nekad je sve što možemo birati između manjega zla. Učiniti ono što možemo, dati sve od sebe i držati glavu visoko čak i kada znamo da to nije ili neće biti dovoljno. I moramo voljeti...uvijek voljeti i poštovati.

“You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more?” ― Ernest HemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea

“The clouds were building up now for the trade wind and he looked ahead and saw a flight of wild ducks etching themselves against the sky over the water, then blurring, then etching again and he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.” 
― Ernest HemingwayThe Old Man and the Sea

turtleneck/ dolčevita: New Yorker
blazer/sako: Modna kuća Nebo
skirt/suknja: Moda in
boots/čizme: Peko
bag: old


  1. The enutrals in your outfit all look lovely together! :)

    I hadn't read that story actually, it sounds interesting! It was good to know a little more about the writers as well. Although I've heard of them I didn't know the backstories. So sad about Hemingway and his family.

    Hope you've had a great weekend :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. Nice place and look!

    xx LL


  3. very nice
    New post:

  4. Amazing landscapes! I love everything from your outfit. xoxo

  5. Such a beautifully written post, hun! I actually remember reading the Old man and the sea at school as well - it was part of our curriculum when I was about eleven, I think? Back then, I feel like I was too young to fully appreciate it, and I don't remember much about the story. Perhaps I should re-visit it some day, as it does seem like such a powerful and wonderfully written novel. :) <3 I haven't read anything by Wilde, but his writing is of course very well renowned. I really love your outfit in these photos, by the way! It looks so cosy and comfortable, and definietly like something that I could see myself wearing during these chilly autumn months. :) Thanks for sharing! Hope you're well. xoxo


    1. thank you Kay:)...yes, kids are usually about 11 or 10 when they get to read it in school. It is surely too young to be able to understand its message.

      The outfit was very comfy, especially these boots...I love them!

  6. That place seems magic, I fell in love :)
    nice look too
    A sweet kiss
    Sara M.

    new post http://sarameirelesthesnowwhite.blogspot.pt/

  7. You look so elegant in this look my dear :)

  8. great pics and this place is so magic.

    kisses dear


  9. Come sempre trovo davvero molto interessanti questi tuoi post su libri ed autori che ti capita di leggere, e quasi sempre mi trovo molto d'accordo su quello che dici.
    Anche in questo caso, Hemingway è uno scrittore che non amo molto credo soprattutto perchè mi hanno fatto leggere i suoi scritti troppo presto (credo alle medie)!
    Io "il vecchio ed il mare" l'ho trovato noiosissimo quando l'ho letto la prima volta (soprttutto se poi lo confronti con libri per ragazzi come Harry Potter che uscivano proprio in quel periodo)e non mi è piaciuto per niente, per cui mi è rimasto antipatico anche l'autore.
    Poi mi è capitato di rileggerlo per caso anni dopo per aiutare dei miei amici che facevano teatro e lo volevano portare in scene , e nemmeno mi è sembrata la stessa storia!
    Secondo me è un grossissimo errore far leggere a ragazzini libri non adatti alla loro età, per quanto importanti e famosi siano! Io credo che per questo motivo ho preso interesse per una bella fetta della letteratura italiana e straniera, e sono una che adora leggere!
    Per quanto riguarda il discorso sulle donne, sono assolutamente d'accordo con te: sia Hemingway che Oscar Wild, non erano misogini, erano semplicemente contrari allo stereotipo della donna del tempo, e di conseguenza non idolatravano quel tipo di figura.
    Infine due parole sul tuo look, sei deliziosa e perfetta per il periodo autunnale, mi piacciono molto come ti stanno i capelli così! :)

    1. grazie per il tuo commento molto interessante...sono d'accordo com te, e una errore grave far leggere a ragazzini libri troppo seriosi!

  10. Earth tones and autumn really seem to go hand in hand and this outfit looks really stylish and coordinates nicely with the backdrop you've chosen. On the surface it would seem that Hemingway and Wilde would not have much in common so it was interesting to find out what they did share.

  11. Stai benissimo Ivana, i colori neutri ti donano moltissimo!

    Shopping Girls

  12. This is a really interesting read, Ivana as I would have never put Hemingway and Oscar Wilde together. I love your take on both of them too and I frown on your professor's theory on why Hemingway too his own life. Human mind are complex and the life we each lead are more complex so it's pretty hard to come to conclusion as in why someone who end their life.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. yes, those kind of sensational theories deserve frowning on...it is very hard to make definite judgements about any person we have not know personally.

  13. I unfortunately can't contribute to the literary material here because I am not as adept with literature, and I don't consider myself any expert in literature. However, I can contribute on the front of fashion, and I think you look great with this skirt, this blazer, and these boots. Fine smile and hairstyle as well.


  14. Lovely pics!

  15. hey ivana did u leave instagram? it was so good to come to your blog and see ur beautiful smile!

    1. yes, I had problems with my insta account, I think I fixed it now.

  16. Non avevo mai fatto una riflessione in questo senso su questi due grandi autori!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???

  17. Great outfit, and the text is really interesting, I love it!

    Freak Muffin Blog

  18. Wow, such a beautiful.I love everything in this outfit. You look so beautiful <3

  19. Such a lovely look from you my dear and what an interesting read is this!!! I know both authors as I have met their works in school. I have read the novel of Oscar Wilde entitled The Picture of Dorian Gray and it was definitely one of the best pieces of literature that I have ever read! Unfortunately, I haven't read Hemingway yet, though I plan to buy his book The Old Man and the Sea this December as a birthday gift to myself hehehe and I never knew that he was thought as somebody who is homosexual. But I know about Oscar Wilde being one and his ideas about homosexuality were also all over his written works. I am very surprise and intrigue about Hemingway. And sorry I didnt read the part where you wrote about him here because I don't to know what the book is all about so I won't have to deal with any spoilers like how it ended ahaha
    Thanks a lot for such wonderful and inspiring post my dear! I cannot wait to share what I know today to my friends as well <3

    love lots,


  20. You are so right, dear Ivanna, the way we read a book when we are children and then when we are adults, is completely different - we will have two different perceptions. Even when we read a book for the 2nd time, our perception changes. I don't think Hemingway committed suicide because of homosexual experiences. Like you said, it is a disease, and he suffered from that, as well as some people in his family. I told you once, one of my Master exams was about Great Expectations. Some authors claimed that Pip had homosexual experiences, but others never mentioned that. And what if the characters or authors had? That is not our business, how someone will live life... as usual, I love your posts, so much food for thought! Hope you have a nice week, dear Ivana!

    1. yes, when we read it for a second time, our perception often changes too. You're absolutely right about that!

      Personally, I didn't see those homosexual refrences when it came to Pip...I think that literary critic sometimes run off imagination or they don't want to sound like everyone else so they invent scandal even where there is no scandal to be found.

  21. I'm not a huge fan of Hemingway's writing style, but Dorian Gray is one of my favorite books. Oscar Wilde was such an interesting and charming individual!


  22. un look davvero molto bello Ivana, mi piace il mix di colori
    buon mercoledì, un abbraccio
    <<< tr3ndygirl fashion & beauty blogger >>>

  23. I am glad that you are doing what YOU LOVE, Ivana - combining your passion for fashion and books in one post! The photos of Autumn are beautiful. The one with bare branches against blue sky demonstrates your point especially well, deeply touching! I have a great respect for both writers, and an especially soft spot for Oscar Wilde.

    And you look SO BEAUTIFUL in these soft warm color palette, your gorgeous figure is just a perfect canvas for this type of outfit!

    1. thank you dear:) it is fun to combine our passion for fashion with other things, isn't it?

  24. You look amazing dear


  25. This is a lovely read. The images looks amazing too.

    Joyce | Joycentricity

  26. Četvrti razred? Stvarno je prerano. Kad bi ta lektira bila bolje prilagođena uzrastu, verujem da bi više ljudi volelo da čita. Ovako mnogi vuku "traumu" pa i dalje veruju da to nije za njih. Ja se ne sećam kad smo tačno to imali za lektiru ali verujem da je bila srednja škola. Ja volim Hemingveja i mogla bih uvek iznova da ga čitam. Način na koji je završio sa životom je kranje tragičan i besmislen, ali opet, on možda ne bi bio tako čuven danas da je živeo dosadnim životom...
    Divne su mi ove jesenje osunčane slike i tebi zemljani tonovi jako lepo stoje :) I sama nešto naginjem neutralnim bojama. Nekako moja ljubav za šarenilom polako popušta. Makar za sad :)

    1. da, ipak je malo prerano za shvatiti priču. Mogla bi se lektira malo bolje prilagoditi...da, možda i ne bi toliko čuven, ali u njegovom slučaju iza slave je stvarno talent.

      Hvala...možda je nas ljubav za šarenim napušta zbog godišnjega doba? Nekako me u jesen više privlače ti zemljani tonovi, jedino možda mo se još te zlaćane nijanse nose.

  27. Jao jeste, citali smo je kao jako mladi i nedovoljno zreli da razumemo poentu price. Cak mi se cinila i dosadnom u tom uzrastu. Ali, sada svakako prepoznajem njenu vrednost.
    Interesantno mi je citati i o zivotu samih pisaca, a tragicna sudbina Hemingveja svakako budi paznju, a pogotovo cinjenica da je toliko ljudi iz Hemingvej porodice stradalo od samoubistva pa cak i unuka. Strasno!
    Divna si mi u zemljanim tonovima, bas ti lepo stoje.
    Lep pozdrav

    1. da, izgleda da je kod njih to i nasljedno (mentalni problemi), a nažalost djeca samoubojica imaju više šanse i sama počiniti samoubojstvo...strašno je to zapravo.

  28. Dearest Ivana,
    neither Hemingway nor Wilde are well known to me as authors. From Hemingway I read "The Old Man and the Sea" during our Cuba trip, because it just fit well. But I can not say I liked the book. I'm not a friend of sad stories, it just felt depressing. And as far as Wilde is concerned, I know only the filming of his works - e.g. The importance of being Earnest and The Picture of Dorian Gray... The first thing I found quite amusing, the second has a fascinating idea, but I felt nu urge to read something of Oscar Wilde afterwards. (Very briefly, one can put it this way: I think that books written a long time ago can not really bind me very much. They obviously contain too many thoughts that have nothing to do with the world in which I now live... )

    On the other hand, your outfit is very contemporary and attractive - it is wonderful to you, I like the colors and the mix!

    Hugs from Traude (just returned home from vacation)

    1. thank you Rostrose, I know what you mean. Sometimes it is easier to connect with more 'up to date' things, but I usually read literature from all time periods.

    2. and I hope you enjoyed your vacation:)

  29. This is such a lovely look to see you on Ivana, it's sophisticated and serious, yet feminine at the same time - funnily enough, similar to how some of the most well known female character depictions have been in the greatest works of literature! It's always interesting to hear your thoughts on this topic, as you clearly know what you're talking about :)


  30. Oh, dear Ivana, you are also so well-educated in the context of literature! I never thought about what Hemingway and Wilde could have in common but your thougts are convincing. I think neither that Hemingway commited suicide because of his sexual preferences - for me it seems as the reasons are really in his family (inheritance) and I think furthermore it was not easy for him being that heavy drinker ...
    I love your loo, you look so elegant in these shades!
    xx Rena

  31. The old man and the sea was also my first book by Hemingway and until today I don't like Hemingway. I've read some more of his books but I couldn't warm to them, his books really got my back up, if you know what I mean. While Oscar Wilde is one of my favorites. I just love his writing, his wits, his books. And I love you look today, Ivana. Love the earthy tones of the outfit.

    1. I know what you mean, he is just not your cup of tea. Oscar is one of my favs too.

  32. Very interesting, that you write about Hemingway and Oskar Wilde in one post. I´ve read some books of both of them a long time ago. I liked them both at that time. I think, the old man and the sea was also my first novel I read from Hemingway. Your analyses is very accurate.

    Now I have to say a few words to your georgeous look. I like these warm colours and the contrast of the bright skirt and the dark tights. It´s a very sophisticated, feminine and chic outfit. You look beautiful!

    Love, Nadine


    1. we do seem to have a similar taste in books dear Nadine. I'm happy you like my outfit as well.

  33. Stvarno mi nije jasno zašto je ta knjiga uvrštena u kurikulum za tako maldu dob, ali da...i ja se sjećam da sam je čitala kao dijete i da mi je bila toliko dosadna da sam mami plakala kako ja to ne mogu čitati (što je bila rijetkost jer se meni gotovo sve sviđalo) a ona me silia jer je bila lektira :) Poslije sam je opet čitala negdje u srednjoj gdje mi je opet bila grozna, ali mislim da je problem ležao i u ovome o čemu pišeš (da trebaš imati određene kilometre na satu da shvatiš neke autore) ali i u tome što je meni Hemingway bio strašno odbojan jer sam u to doba bila strašno u zaštiti životinja i feminizmu, a on je bio strastveni lovac (ukoliko se ne varam) i imao šovinističke izjave plus žigolo i alkoholičar...hahaha :) He didn't stand a chance! :D Što reći osim da bi on i ja možda mogli pokušati zakopati ratnu sjekiru...

    1. da i meni je na temelju svoga javnoga ponašanja bio odbojan, ali je pitanje koliko je toga bilo i preuveličavanje medija, a koliko i možda neko njegovo provociranje. Meni se zapravo percepcija njegovih djela promijenila kada sam pročitala The Garden of Eden koji me podsjetio na Tender Is The Night od Fitzegeralda ( a navodno je sličnost namjerna, neko natjecanje između njih dvojice).

  34. Nice combo of look! I like also the place and the big tree :)) You look great hear Ivana!

  35. i love the play with the sun and shade by all those pics. i love your oufit, specially your nice jacket - this looks superb and elegant!
    you know always to wear the right stuff my dear.



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