Spring in Split / Proljeće u Splitu

Today I'm posting more photographs of the outfit you have had the chance of seeing yesterday (in my style share post with Jennifer). These photographs were taken one very sunny day in Split (and that day was last Tuesday if my memory serves me right). I went to return Yucatan by Andrea de Carlo (wiki link here) to the library. I didn't really get this novel. Have you read it? What do you think about it? Is there something I missed? It kind of reminded me of On the Road and just like with that novel I felt  it lacks a deeper message. The funny thing is that the author said in the preface how this novel is the one that even his greatest fans don't get. Well, I'm not exactly the greatest fan as this is the first novel of his that I had (at least partially) read, but I didn't understand what it was about...and shockingly, I didn't make it all the way to the last page. I've read most of it, but I gave up towards the end. That rarely happens, usually I'm so stubborn about reading every single line and I don't do skimming. Maybe I shouldn't even mention this novel because I didn't read all of it, but if there is anyone that read it, I would appreciate a word of advice. Should I pick it up from library again or not? What do you think?

Danas objavljujem još fotografije odjevne kombinacije koju ste mogli vidjeti jučer ( u mome suradničkome postu s Jennifer). Ove fotografije su uslikane jednoga veoma sunčanoga dana u Splitu (prošloga četvrtka ako me sjećanje dobro služi). Išla sam vratiti Yucatan Andreje de Carla u knjižnicu. Nisam baš shvatila ovaj roman. Jeste li ga vi čitali? Što mislite o njemu? Jesam li nešto propustila? Pomalo me podsjetio na roman Na cesti i baš kao kod toga romana imala sam dojam da nedostaje neka dublja poruka. Smiješno je što je sam pisac u predgovoru rekao da čak i njegovi najveći obožavatelji nisu shvatili ovaj roman. Nisam ni ja, a nisam baš neki obožavatelj, ovo mi je prvi njegov roman koji sam (barem djelomično pročitala) i nisam ga shvatila...i šokatno zapravo i nisam došla do zadnje stranice. Pročitala sam većinu, ali pred kraj sam odustala. To mi se rijetko događa, obično sam jako tvrdoglava i pročitam svaku stranicu i ne preskačem retke. Možda nisam ni trebala spominjati ova roman jer ga nisam cijeloga pročitala, ali ako ima netko da ga je pročitao, dobro bi mi došao savjet. Bi li ga trebala ponovo podignuti iz knjižnice ili da ga zaboravim? Što mislite? 

Now, about the outfit.  What to say about this outfit? It is perhaps too colourful, but it is what I wanted to wear that day and I'm glad that I did. I felt very comfortable wearing this. The sunshine was quite strong, so I had to wear a hat to protect myself from the sun. I like wearing scarves with my hats, it just feels right. The necklace is my own creation. You can read about what was the inspiration behind it here. This red blazer is probably the most worn item in my closet.  I can't get enought of it and I plan to wear it a lot this Spring.

Sada o odjevnoj kombinaciji. Što reći o njoj? Možda je previše šarena, ali to je ono što sam htjela nositi toga dana i drago mi je što jesam. Osjećala sam se jako ugodno u njoj. Sunčeva svijetlost bila je dosta jaka, pa sam morala nositi šešir da se zaštitim od sunce. Volim nositi marame na šeširima, to m nekako ide jedno uz drugo. Ogrlica je moja vlastita kreacija. Možete pročitati što je bilo nadahnuće za nju ovdje. Ovaj crveni sako je vjerovatno najčešće nošen odjevni predmet u mome ormaru. Planiram ga baš iznositi ovoga proljeća jer.... nikako da mi dosadi.

One of the things I love most about Split has to be the contrast between the old and the new. By old I don't mean just the summer house of Roman emperor Diocletian (i.e. the famous palace that forms the centre of Split city) but also the old stone houses. One connects these houses with Dalmatian cities almost automatically, right?  The spirit of those early days, so well described by Miljenko Smoje, still lives on. People often ask me to define the characteristics of people living in Split. Well, yesterday I heard a good example. One girl mentioned how she eneded up in ER when Barcelona lost a match last week. That's may seem insane but that's Split mentality for you. If you're going to like something, you'll go all the way, you'll take it to extremes. If you lose a game or if you are not successful in whatever you wanted or set up to achieve, then you're probably going to swear a lot and you're not going to act like you don't care. Like when Goran Ivanishevich said he is going to break the plate if he wins another one (the plate being the award/trophy given up to the finalist of Wimbledon). That was the year when we won the Wimblendon, so he didn't need do that but I can totally imagine him breaking it. That's how people in Split think. It is not important to participate, it is important to win..and maybe just maybe that is not a bad way to think. Why shouldn't we aspire to be the best we can be? Why should we settle for less and pretend we are happy with what we have achieved if we aren't happy with it?  Honestly goes a long way. Sometimes being honest with ourselves is everything.

Jedna od stvari koje volim u Splitu je kontrast između staroga i novoga. Pod starim ne mislim samo na ljetnikovac rimskoga cara, to jest samu palaču koja je zapravo centar našega grada, već i kamene kuće (koje čovjek  gotovo odmah povezuje u glavi s dalmatinskim gradovima, zar ne?). Duh tih ranih dana, koje je tako dobro opisao Miljenko Smoje, još uvijek živi. Ljudi me često pitaju da definiram karakteristike ljudi koji žive u Splitu. Jučer sam čula dobar primjer, naime jedna je djevojka spomenula kako je završila na hitnoj kada je Barcelona izgubila utakmicu prošloga tjedna. To vam se može činiti ludo ali to je splitski mentalitet. Ako ti se nešto sviđa, onda ideš do kraja, u krajnost. Ako izgubiš, ako nisi uspješan u onome u čemu si htio, ako nisi postigao ono što si naumio, onda ćeš vjerovatno  psovati i nećeš se pretvarati da te nije briga. Kao kada je Goran Ivanišenić rekao da će ako dobije još jedan pijat sigurno ga razbiti (u prijevodu pijat znači tanjur, a mislio je na nagradu koja se daje finalistu Wimbledona). Srećom te je godine osvojio Wimbledon pa nije bilo potrebe za tim, ali ga doista mogu zamisliti kako ga razbija. Možda to i nije loš način razmišljanja. Zašto ne bismo bili najbolja verzija sebe? Zašto bi se zadovoljili s manje i pretvarali se da smo sretni s onim što smo postigli ako nismo? Iskrenost je važna, a ponekad je ta iskrenost sa nama samima stvarno najvažnija stvar na svijetu.

Somethings never change. I think that is why I'm so fascinated with the constast between the old and the new. Perhaps it is my way to try to discover what is fundamental to our human nature, what it is in us that doesn't change. Speaking of the old and the new, I love visiting museums. I have visited the arhaeological museum in Split a few times already, but it never gets old (if you are a history lover, I'm sure you can understand why a person would visit the same museum a couple of times). This museum has a lovely collection of prehistorical, ancient Greek and Roman findings (from Dalmatia) as well as medieval art. This museum also has a great coin collection, but I must admit I haven't payed that much attention to it. I'm not particularly into coins, I paid more attention to other items in this museum.  Isn't it fascinating how those ancient stone sculptures seem so alive? Great art is really timeless. When I look at those ancient works of art, I feel like I know the people who made them and even those that were potrayed. It doesn't matter at all that they lived two thousand of years ago. Art knows no time limits.

Neke se svari nikada ne mijenjaju, mislim da me zato toliko i zanima kontrast između novoga i staroga. Možda je to moj način da pokušam otkriti što je ta osnova za našu ljudsku prirodu, što je to u nama što se ne mijenja. Govoreći o novome i starome, volim posjećivati muzeje, a iako sam već par puta bila u Arheološkome muzeju u Splitu , nikad mi ne dosadi. Volite li povijest, razumijet ćete kako i zašto osoba može posjetiti isti muzej nekoliko puta. Ovaj muzej ima lijepu zbirku iz prethistorijskog vremena,  iz doba drevnih Grka i Rimljana (iz Dalmacije) i srednjovjekovlja.  Tu je i dosta poznata zbirka novčića, ali moram priznati da baš i nisam obratila pozornost na nju. Nisam nešto posebno zainteresirana za novčiće, više sam pozornosti obratila na druge stvari u muzeju.  Zar nije zanimljivo kako te kamene skulpture mogu izgledati tako živo? Prava umjetnost je stvarno bezvremenska. Kada gledam ta drevna umjetnička djela, osjećam kao da poznajem ljude koji su ih napravili i one koji su prikazani. Nije uopće važno što su živjeli prije dvije tisuće godina. Umjetnost nije ograničena vremenom. 

Enough about the museum. If you scroll down, you can see a lovely bulding that belongs to catholic nuns of Francistian order. I think the official name in English is School Sisters of Saint Francis. I must have passed by this bulding a thousand times, but this was the first time I took notice of it. That just goes to show you must actively search for beauty in order to find it. This garden is so charming, it looks like such a peaceful and serene place. It is important to rememeber to keep our eyes (and hearts) open, isn't it?

Dosta o muzeju. Na slikama ispod, možete vidjeti divnu zgradu koja pripada časnim sestrama franjevačkoga reda. Njihovo službeno ime je Školske sestre Franjevke. Sigurno sam prošla pored ove zgrade tisuću puta, ali ovo je prvi put da sam je primijetila. To sam pokazuje da ljepotu treba aktivno tražiti da bismo je pronašli. Ovaj vrt je baš dražestan, izgleda kao tako mirno mjesto. Važno je zapamtiti držati oči (a i srce) otvorenim, zar ne?

hat, scarf, shoes, bag, blazer/ šešir, marama, cipele, torba, sako: not branded, nije markirano
dress/haljina: moda in ( it's a local brand, I don't think it is available anywhere else)
necklace/ogrlica: DIY

Time to finish this post and what is  a better way to do it than this? When you come to Split, visiting its promanade (known as Riva) is a must. It is the perfect place to daydream a little. Watching the boats and ferries always calms me down. Perhaps there is something in that image that gives my soul inspiration to sail away (metaphorically speaking). There are ties that exist between the material and spiritual world (sea must be one of those ties) and sometimes there is nothing wrong in relying on them.

Vrijeme je za završiti ovu objavu, a što je bolje od ovoga? Kad posjetite Split, morate otići na Rivu. To je savršeno mjesto za malo sanjarenja. Gledanje brodova i trajekata me uvijek smiri. Nešto u toj slici daje mojoj dušu nadahnuće da otplovi ( metaforički rečeno). Postoje neke veze između duhovnoga i materijalnoga svijeta (more mora biti jedna od tih veza) i ponekad nema ništa loše u tome da se oslonimo na njih.



  1. Wow! You look so pretty!!!...and so mesmerizing location

  2. Che belle foto, mi piace l'abbinamento vestito floreale-stringate!

    Guida al trend: la gonna plissè
    lb-lc fashion blog

  3. beautiful photo

  4. You look amazing in this dress with hat. Wonderfull pictures.
    Have a good time, Tina

  5. The perfect spring look!


  6. Cute outfit and beautiful photos! This looks like a lovely place.

    xo Azu


  7. You look so pretty!! I loved the photos <3


  8. You look so cool and ladylike here, Ivana. Love the OOTD! The hat is phenomenal, girl. I know I said so before but I have to say it again, you guys live in a beautiful, beautiful place. Thx for sharing these awesome pics. Happy Thursday, girl.

    1. I sort of live between Split and Mostar but yes it is a wonderful place to live in.

  9. I like what you said about the material and spiritual ties. I truly believe in that. I know a friend of mine who also believes in vortexes, because there's just something a bit "different" in particular spots in this world. The air around the sea is one of them. I do know scientifically that the electrons near bodies of water and high altitude places are smaller and more dense, and that kind of air and combination is healing and most beneficial for our bodies' health. Interesting! I like the colors of your dress. I remember that necklace :) I have not replied in awhile.. things have been really busy around the house!

    1. yes, vortex is a good word too! Some places just make it easier for us, make us better able to relax and collect ourselves together.

      I can imagine things being busy with the baby and all. Don't worry about replying. We all have our busy days.

  10. Wow bellissimi questi scatti:) un bacione

  11. I just can't get over how incredible both the architecture and views are in your area! The addition of palm trees is just the icing on top of the cake as well :) I love how you've opted for a colourful outfit on this day, it ensures you stand out against the beige and stone-coloured buildings :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

  12. I don't think your outfit is too colorful at all since all the colors nicely compliment each other and as long as it made you happy, it's good. I like to wear colors on gloomy days to cheer myself up :)

    1. yes, colours really cheer some of us up...amd while they do that we should stick with them.

  13. Beautiful look dear! These pictures looks great!
    Have a wonderful day!
    XO Pisa

  14. You are a lucky beauty! I am still wearing my winter coat and wellies- rain, tornado, thunderstorms... The Atlantis Ocean is very angry this year! Waiting for the spring...

    1. I hope that the Spring will arrive there soon!

  15. love your hat!


  16. Feminine and quirky - I think it could sum up a lot of your outfits, Ivana, and this is a great example! When I read your description of the people of Split, I thought to my surprise Split most probably is a high energy place. And yet, it is a relaxed seaside town. Like all in life, it is mixed, intertwined, dubious... just like old and new next to each other, constantly interacting and changing... it's the essence of life, it seems.

    I like that you feel connected with the ancient art, and I understand that sometimes the things we see every day and pass thousands of times become a part of landscape, and we need to make an effort to stop and appreciate them. As for books, I think if the message did not resonate with you, it was just not your book, it was written for someone else, but mostly for the author himself. I think writers and artists create mostly for themselves, and we can never understand everything they express the way they meant it. But if their art resonates with us, even if only in some parts, then it was also created for us, then we needed to read/observe it. Sometimes we reread a book and wonder, what I used to like about it? And other times, we reread and find more and more meanings in the same book. Life... :)

    1. Thank you very much. I do like feminine outfits and that is what I seem to go for most of the time. Is Split a high energy place is a question that I'm not sure how to answer. Most people will tell you that the locals seem very relaxed to them but that's only the surface.:)

      Yes, ancient art can be so wonderful...and sometimes indeed we have to pay closer attention to things that surround us, otherwise we miss out on a lot.

      With books I feel the same way. Sometimes they really resonate with me on a personal level (depending on what is going on in my life) and sometimes I just admire them on a more literary level (like someone who studied and likes literature would but not as a moved reader for whom it is a personal experience).

  17. You find the most beautiful locales to shoot, dear. As for the winning thing, I guess in my heart somewhere if given a choice I would want to win at something I tried, but often I play games just to play them, just as distractions. Rarely do I get upset if I lose, it is more how the time went during the game. In fact, when I play very competitive people I often get confused how mad they get when they lose and try to let them win a bit more. I suppose I am a sap :) I adore your super cool outfit and I was SO happy to see those tights! Oh I have missed that very much. You may have had trouble finishing your book but I had no trouble at all finishing myself ;) So wow! xoxo

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. I don't search for beautiful places just for the purpuses of shooting, but I do search for them...beauty soothes me, be it natural, urban or artistic beauty of any kind.

      Yes, competitive people can be quite annoying. It is another thing when you are a professional athlete, then being competitive is almost a code of honour (and I can understand people getting passionate about sport) but some people are competitive when they shouldn't be, when they would be better to enjoy the company of their friends.

  18. love your beautiful dress

    new post

  19. Great post! Love your spring outfit! It finally got warm here too but we're getting snow over the weekend! :(

    Thank you for visiting my blog! I have a new post up! xx


  20. Bella in rosso!!

  21. Hello Ivana :) I really like your outfit, personally I don't find it too colorful, because I love wearing similar ones ;) What's more, you're right your red jacket is terrific, it has stunning, vivid color and it fits you perfectly. And Split is truly wonderful city - good to know that it divided to two parts and I'm envious that you live nearby sea! ;D Take care, dear friend!


    1. thanks darling. It is a wonderful city indeed.

  22. Che eleganza Ivana, bellissime queste foto, splendido il tuo look!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  23. Prelepe fotografije i pravi prolecni look :)
    Split je lep u svako doba godine, ali nekako po meni je najcarobniji bas u prolece :)
    Zelim ti lep vikend, kiss

  24. Nisam čitala tu knjigu pa ne znam šta bih ti rekla, ali ja kad vidim da mi nešto ne ide, odustajem jer ima toliko toga što bih umesto toga pročitala u dahu. Ranije sam i ja bila tvrdoglava, a sad jednostavno ne dajem ni trenutak pažnje na nešto što mi ne leži, dokle god se radi nečemi što zavisi samo od mene i mog izbora. Mislim da je ok i tom pogledu biti iskren prema sebi ;)
    Ne znam da li si mi divnija ti ili Split, a možda je baš to i dobitna kombinacija :)
    Arheološki muzeji su jedni od retkih kojima mogu stalno da se vraćam. Fascinira me sva ta istorija i zamišljanje tako daleke prošlosti. Nekako shvatim da smo ovde samo u jednom trenutku i da taj trenutak treba maksimalno iskoristiti.
    Divan i veoma kompletan post, uživala sam i u tekstu, i u slikama.
    Želim ti lep vikend :)

    1. baš tako, postoje tolike knjige koje bismo pročitali u dahu tako da nekad treba i odustati. Hvala ti puno na komentaru, u Splitu se nekako osjećam domaćinski i najugodnije pa možda je taj osjećaj dobitna kombinacija.

      Mene isto fascniraju ta davna vremena, možda jer vidim koliko toga imamo zajedničko s ljudima koji su živjeli tisućama godina prije i koliko je toga uvijek prisutno u ljudskom životu.

  25. Ma tebi šareno baš dobro pristaje i samo ga nosi kad god poželiš, pogotovo sad kad nam dolaze ljetni dani (ja sam danas konačno u kratkim rukavima jeeej)! :) Davno sam čitala Na cesti i svidjela mi se, štoviše, u više navrata sam pomišljala kako je želim ponovno uzeti u ruke, ali nikako uloviti dovoljno vremena da se vratim na staro kad imam toliko novih stvari koje želim pročitati. Mislim da je to specifičan roman koji ili ti legne na prvu ili ti se naprosto ne svidi, u svakom slučaju, ne treba ga forsirati ako ne ide, ja sam hrpu knjiga znala vratiti u knjižnicu nakon par poglavlja...tko ima vremena za priče koje nam ne pašu? :) Želim ti sjajan vikend!

    1. meni se Na cesti jako svidio jer je stvarno fenomenalno napisan i u puno toga jedinstven, ali opet kada sam ga pročitala do kraja činilo mi se da mu nedostaje dubine...To je odličan roman, ali nije mi u samom vrhu. Ovaj mi je pak jednostavno bio dosadan, stalno neko kretanje, ali bez poetičnosti tako da sam ga ipak vratila. Imam masu boljih knjiga koje trenutno čitam:)

  26. Nice photos and amazing look <3

  27. I like your necklace. The photos are lovely, especially with the stone wall in the background. Very colourful and vibrant outfit.
    Garden Glow

    1. thank you, I have this thing about stone walls and stone houses:)

  28. You look so gorgeous!
    Nice shots and love the scenery...
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm happy you like both the outfit and the scenery.

  29. I don't think it's too colourful on the contrary, I thought it's perfect for Spring and just lovely! I have never read that book before but there are some books that bore me and I never made it to the end. i think there was one that I encountered in the past, can't remember the title or the author though but it was horrid.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I'm happy you like it:). I tend to gravitate towards colourful looks most of the time (even in Winter), but in Spring they seem especially appropriate.

  30. I haven't read the novel, sorry you feel that way about it. I personally put a novel down after the first chapter if it doesn't quite keep my attention.

    On the outfit, did you say too colorful? Now that's a word that doesn't exist in my lingua. I love brights and gasped when I saw your bright red look. I love it and the scarf on your hat is so resort collection.

    I must say I love the patriotic spirit of the people of Split. I smiled through reading that. Wow it is a beautiful city. I love the structures and I can only imagine you'd be like a kid in a candy store considering how much into arts you are. It looks like a very clean city.

    The necklace is very pretty and it's your creation? Quite impressive. I'd love to read the inspiration behind it. This is such a well put together look. H2T fabulous darling!


    1. yes, the necklace is my creation and it was inspired by island Hvar.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Split looks like such an amazing place! Funny how we miss things around us like you did that building. There are beautiful places I pass by all the time, but never really think to stop and look at them. I need to do that. And I've never read that novel, but that is how I feel about most non fiction books. I can never seem to finish them. But with fiction I breeze right though it. This is a beautiful post and I love your outfit, especially the DIY necklace!

    1. I like both fiction and non fiction yet fiction is my first love. I can understand why fiction might be boring to some. For example, I seem to prefer documentaries over films. I watch documentaries much more often than I do TV series or movies. It is all a matter of preferance.

  33. I have never been to Split but it looks like such a beautiful location! It is definitely on my travel bucket-list...You look stunning in your floral dress and red blazer combo. A colourful blazer is always such a statement piece!!
    Have a great weekend,
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

    1. thank you:) So good to hear it is on your bucket list.

  34. beautiful images ! happy weekend!!!

  35. What a great post, dear Ivana! I do´nt know, where to start ... let´s begin with your georgous look. I love your cute dress and this amazing blazer! The hat and the scarf are a perfect match and your selfmade necklace is beautiful!
    I would love to see you in this dress again with nude pantyhose ...

    I did´nt read "Yukatan", but, as you know, I had the same feeling with "On the road". And why should you read a book til its end, if you do´nt like it?

    Split is such a great town - love your wonderful pictures. I agree, the special thing is the contrast between the old and the new ... and if a museum is interesting (like the archiological Museum in Split oder the Kunsthistorische Museum in Vienna), I visit it a couple of times too.

    Love, Nadine


    1. dear Nadine, thank you for your comment. I remember we share the same opinion about On the Road. I'm happy I've read that one but I'm sticking with my opinion that it lacks a deeper message. You're right, sometimes it is better to save our energy for the book we will really like, so I'm giving up on Yucatan :)

      Split is a lovely city. I know I'm bias because I grew up here but I do believe it is a city worth visiting. So cool you like to visit museums a few times as well!

      I'm sure this dress looks better with nude stockings, but that day I wasn't able to find any (my closet is sometimes very messy!).

  36. Wonderful pictures Ivana! I love your chic outfit <3

  37. Ja sam jedna od onih koji su pristase da se "patnja" s losom knjigom ili filmom ne isplati... IAKO moram priznati da ima autora s kojima se isplati "hrvati" do kraja jer na kraju bas budes vauuuuu... takvo mi je iskustvo s gotovo svim romanima Virginije Woolf... dok ih citas, bas budes nekad umoran i dodje ti da bacis knjigu kroz prozor a opet ti nesto ne dopusta i citas... eseji su joj puno "napetiji" po mome skromnom sudu...Ugl, ne grizi se... mozda bi se i autor trebao zapitati dali je fulao s pricom kada toliko ljudi nije shvatilo poantu...

    1. da, možda:) bi se trebao zapitati. Baš ću potražiti neku njegovu drugu knjigu i vidjeti. Slažem se da se nekad isplati potruditi, a nekad treba prihvatiti da knjiga nije vrijedna tolikoga truda.

  38. These are such great photos, all of them. The sights of Split and your outfit and thoughts. I've not read either of those books. I do love the daisies in the grass- so pretty and I'm always glad when they come back! Bright is good- you are one of the flowers!!x

    1. thank you Kezzie. Daises are adorable, aren't they?

  39. Predivan grad! Jako ga želim posjetiti :)

    Vildana from Living Like V (I HAVE A GIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG SO BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT) & Stalia Is BAE

  40. i love this summer dress, my dear. this looks so cool! but i like also these combo with that blazer. nice red-black combo.

    and these city pics with this plams in the back are very cool!



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