Hello readers! How are you doing? I'm back with another plus '30 ways to wear an item' post.  Earth day being here and all that, it is good to think about ways for being more sustainable in our fashion choices such as wearing vintage/secondhand clothes, making the most of our closets and shopping cleverly. One of the easiest ways to be more sustainable is to shop our closets and making sure we wear every item in our closet 30 times or more. That way we can make our closet more eco-friendly. This is naturally easier to achieve with outwear than with evening gowns, but where there is a will there is a way. 

Getting to plus thirty wears with this blazer has been quite easy. I'm pretty sure that the real 'wear' number is much higher as I don't always photograph my outfits. This red cropped blazer is a brilliant piece that looks amazing with everything. At price of ten euros, it's one of the best purchases I have ever made. I bought it about 7 years ago in a small shop near the National Theatre in Split city. I need to visit that little shop again, I always find cute things in it. Anyhow, scoll down  to see plus 30 ways to wear this red blazer.

#1 & #2
My first two outfit proposals are about styling a red blazer for transitional weather. In the first styling I paired it with a yellow tartan skirt (vintage) and a turtleneck. For the second look I wore it with a grey dress and faux fur collar. 

The third styling is transitional as well. I paired this red blazer with a thick knit turtleneck and boots. I have also worn one of my DIY necklaces.

#4, #5, #6

The fourth, the fifth and the sixth outfits show how I wore this blazer with dresses. I love to wear it with dresses because it is cropped so it makes the dresses stand out more. These are all Spring and Summer looks. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so I can wear this kind of outfits again.

#7, #8, #9, #10

Outfit proposas 7-10 are all about feminine spring vibes. Here you can see how I styled this red blazer with statement dresses and in case of outfit 9-with a pencil denim skirt.

#11, #12
Outfits 11 and 12 show how I styled this red blazer with two different pairs of black flared jeans ( one pair is cord, the other ordinary jeans). Both outfits are quite simple, but one is worn many years ago and the other not so long back in 2020 when I lived on island Hvar.

#13, #14

Outfits 13 and 14 are all about jeans again, notice how I added touches of red to these outfits.
#15, #16

Outfits 15 and 16 show me pairing this red blazer with some of my favourite skirts. I've just noticed that I'm wearing the same bag in both of these outfits 

#17, #18

Outfits 17 and 18 are all about pairing this red blazer with dresses. They are both suitable for transitional weather.

Outfit proposal number 19 is suitable for cold weather. Here I used this red blazer to layer my outfit and add visual interest.

Paired with a blue top and navy pants, this red blazer styling is all about Spring vibes.

This is an outfit I wore a few months ago and really enjoyed. Again, I used the red blazer for layering.

Here I paired my  red blazer with a magneta coat and a light beige maxi skirt. 

Outfit proposal 23 is what I wore for a visit to nature park Hutovo blato.
I love pairing this red blazer with this Bellissima semiplaid skirt. They are a match made in heaven. 
One more proposal with jeans, this time with cropped jeans and a yellow bag.
This cherry print dress is a lovely match with this red blazer.

#27 & #28

Outfits 27 & 28 featuring this red blazer are more recent ones, they were both worn this year.


Outfit 29 is one of my all time favourite outfits.

Look number 30 is similiar to another look I shared today, the only difference is the colour of the tights.

Outfit proposal 31 is something I wore for work a few years ago. I think the combination was quite smart.
Outfit proposal number 32 is all about Spring vibes as well. 

Finally outfit 33 is something I have worn recently and a proper Spring outfit.

Do you wear blazers? Do you have a red blazer? What are some of the most worn items in your closet? 


  1. Hello Ivana, first of all thanks for your latest comment on my blog post. I really appreciate that you take the time to visit my site :)

    And I hope you're doing well! It seems that time is getting a bit warmer but there's an occassion to wear our blazers as much as possible during spring :)

    I JUST LOVE BLAZERS! It is probably the thing that I am looking to buy the most since a good blazer could spice almost every outfit. You can go even for a simple option with a t-shirt and jeans, but then you are the blazer and you're ready to ;)

    I don't have a red blazer but I should get one now since you are giving us a lot of interesting ideas. Sometimes people say that they don't like to buy colorful pieces since they can't combine them, but here you demonstrate that it is possible to wear color in many situations ;) I just congratulate you since red could be difficult to wear but here you a have a lot of options for almost every situation!

    Take care and enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thank you. I agree. With a blazer even a simple jeans and a t-shirt outfit can be incredibly chic.

  2. Such exciting outfits! The RED really makes the outfit pop! So many ways you have used this blazer. It fits so well. Truly a classic item to have in your wardrobe. Hope you have a beautiful earth day. Chance of rain here. I will not complain since we really do need the moisture. Thanks so much for showcasing this item. Very inspiring!

  3. Lovely blazer! I enjoyed how you wore it with jeans and dresses. Amazing story of this item. So many ways to use it, adore it and making it so sustainable. Love your ideas! It is truly a classic to have in your arsenal. Awesome post! Thanks so much! Thanks for being here. Thank you for your comments too.

  4. Lovely post :) thanks for your sharing...

  5. You look beautiful in every picture. You really know how to combine everything with everything, congratulations. Happy Earth Day :)

  6. Beautiful!!
    I have a red blazer and I think it's a great piece.

  7. Fantastic styling, that red blazer looks wonderful in all of your outfits and was worth every penny.
    I don't "do" tailored clothing, no blazers in my wardrobe! xxx

    1. yes, now that I think of it, I don't remember seeing you in a blazer.

  8. Happy Earth Day Dear friend! At last spring season coming here and all Daisies are blossomin here. Especially 7-10 outfits really good for the spring season. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I can definitely see how you've managed to get to over 30 wears with this blazer. The pretty color and classic cut definitely delivers so much versatility as all your lovely outfits nicely illustrate.

  10. That is a gorgeous red blazer, Ivana, and you are rockin' it!! You're showing that it can go with everything, and the marvelous versatility of dressing it up or down, depending on your mood. I love it with the added fur collar, and my favourite outfits are where you pick up another bit of red elsewhere in your outfits. Well done on 30+ wears! So appropriate for Earth Day!

    1. It's a lovely piece. I should really remember to rock it with the fur collar more often.

  11. Es muy versátil esa chaqueta y te queda muy bien. Te mando un beso.

  12. Well done on 30+ wears for that red blazer. Not surprisingly really, as it's a real classic! Now that I come to think of it, a red blazer is something which is still lacking in my wardrobe! xxx

  13. This is such a fun blazer on you! I really like how well you layer with it - layering both over and under it! You're very creative with your outfits :)

    it's always nice to see a piece get worn so much!

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  14. I do think that this red blazer can be so versatile in our closets. It's great to see how you styled it both casually and dressed up. And with so many color combinations.


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