The Story of Black Friday

Time really flies, doesn't it? Black Friday Week is already upon us. It seems like everyone's discussing Black Friday discounts, deals or talking about their shopping plans.  All this talk of Black Friday made me want to research the history behind this shopping phenomena. From what I've read, it's an interesting one.

 How did Black Friday came to be?

 There are a lot of myths and stories about Black Friday, but supposedly the name 'black' was used by police to describe the chaos that would ensure on that day. Apparently, even back in the day following the Thanksgiving, there would be such shopping chaos (in preparation for the weekend) that the day itself was labelled that way, mostly by police officers and other people who had to work extra shifts to deal with it. By 1961, the term Black Friday was widely used and we know this because there were some efforts to change the name from Black to Big Friday but as we all know those efforts were obviously in vain, because the original name stuck. By the eighties, the term Black Friday came to mean something positive and lost its previous negative connotation. So, here we are today. Black Friday is now an event that has spread worldwide and can last up to a whole week. Many stores offer discounts for days before and following the so called Black Friday. In other words, if you're planning to do some shopping, now is the perfect time to do it. 

What do I plan to buy? Well, to be honest, the amount of shopping will have to  depend on my schedule. I'm working extra long hours this week, so I'm not sure when exactly I will get to the shopping. I do have some things in mind. Online shopping or the regular kind? I'll have to think about that as well because both have its advantages. Online shopping is easier, but I think my significant other would prefer regular shopping. Maybe I should try to do both? How about you? What do you plan to buy this Black Friday? Do you take this opportunity to shop or do you prefer to do things in your own time?  Are you an impulse buyer or do you like to plan your purchases? Are you very organized when it comes to shopping? Do you plan to do your Black Friday shopping from your coach or will you make a trip to all the stores. Do let me know. 

As I've just explained, I'm still undecided when it comes to what to buy. Still, like most other women to be found on this planet, I have some ideas. Today I'm bringing you my selection from I know I'm not the only one who can spent hours looking at pretty dresses. Most of the time, I enjoy window shopping (be it online or regular) just as much as regular shopping and sometimes even more. One thing I always enjoy browsing are evening gowns , possibly because in every grown up girl, there is a little girl who dreamed of being Cinderella. What do you think? Is that the reason? Anyhow, I do think that a burgundy dress is a nice choice for this time of year. I found a few really cute ones on the site mentioned above. Just in case you haven't got your hands on the perfect dress for holidays (or other special occasions) yet. 


  1. Those are pretty dresses you chose to share with your illustration :)

    We don't have black Friday here in Australia - it's more of an American thing. Black Friday for us means something completely different - it refers to the black Friday bushfires. Some places match the US and have sales, but it's definitely not as popular as it is in America. Our biggest sales are on boxing day, the day after Christmas :)

    Hope that you are having a nice week so far :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thank you Mica. It's definitely a more of an American thing, but it's spreading worldwide. The malls were so crowded this Friday!

  2. Love shopping during Black Fridays but never knew what it means. Great info, babe! xoxo

  3. I love those gowns that you've picked my dear! I don't know much about Black Friday, actually. It is something not embedded in our culture, we do have Christmas sales but we don't label it Black Friday. It's great to learn something from you. Such beautiful picture you got there my dear! Hope you're having a great week so far. :)

    love lots,

  4. Gorgeous illustrations, love them. I hope you are having a great week so far lovely x

  5. Thanks for explaning what it means, I don't particpate in it all the time.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

  6. Non conoscevo le origini del Black Friday: qui in Italia, anche se è diventato popolare solo da pochi anni, la maggior parte dei negozi tende a fare gli sconti già dal Lunedì e per tutta la settimana, quindi tutti questi problemi non si pongono. ^^
    Io credo che farò soprattutto shopping online: ho già diverse wishlist pronte nei vari siti così che Venerdì dovrò solo metter quello che mi interessa nel carrello e pagare senza star a perdere troppo tempo! :)

    1. anche qui e' diventato popolare da pochi anni.

  7. We are actually going to see the Dior exhibition at our museum on Friday. But we will be out shopping on small business Saturday. We always love to support the local shops!

    1. that's a brilliant idea, supporting local businesses.

  8. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  9. Thanks for sharing the history behind Black Friday. I like how there are still good deals days leading up to Black Friday if you want to go shopping a little earlier. Have a great Thanksgiving Ivana!

    1. thank you. Here it is the same way, many items are already on a sale.

  10. These illustrations are really lovely Ivana. Black Friday seems like it's nothing compared to Boxing Day, in my opinion. I think a lot of countries nt all seem to be adopting it for sales though. /Madison

  11. Oh that burgundy tiered dress in the collage is beautiful!
    I didn't know where the name came from for Black Friday so I am pleased you shared that! I wasn't planning to buy ANYTHING but Joanie Clothing has 40% off and I have been wanting their Avid Reader sweatshirt for an absolute age so I've been umming and ahing for a day over whether to buy it or not!

  12. I really love this post. to start with have never thought of how black friday came to be. the illustrations are so beautiful. Kisses!

  13. Unfortunately this year I cannot go shopping on Böack Friday. Maybe I will do some online shopping.
    As you know, sometimes I am a little girl who dreames of being Cinderalla :-)) And this little girl loves your selection of burgundy dresses ;-) and of course your beautiful illustration of the evening gown.
    You look lovely in your black dress! <3 Two weeks ago I wore a very similar outfit with a little black dress for a long girls-night-out ;-)
    xxxxx Nadine <3

  14. Thank you for that history info! I had no idea it was because of the chaos, but that makes sense! Love the burgundy you have shared here!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  15. Your illustrations are always so pretty hun, thanks for the info and loving the burgundy dresses.


  16. Black Friday equals shooppingg
    and going crazy.
    But that's only if you have anything left after Cyber Monday.
    Nice story!

  17. Lovely post, there is a lot to shop.

  18. How wonderful to have discovered a little more of Black Friday. I used to live in California and I remember that every Black Friday was crazy, now in Europe I realize that the tradition is just being established. On the one hand it seems to me that there are too many stimuli and information bombardment, but at the same time it is a good opportunity to get that garment that you dreamed of for a long time and what better if you have an extra discount.

    I love your choices, they all highlight your most artistic part.


  19. Pravi umetnicki kolazi, odusevljena sam :)

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