Lilac for Spring + DIY Project of the Day (Princess Handmade Bookmark)

necklace: DIY, sweater: Mana, dress: no name, shoes: Peko, bag: no name

Ultra violet is the colour of the year, so with that mind I went shopping in my closet again. I found this DIY statement necklace with purple stones (worn previously here). What did I wear with this creation of mine? On this lovely sunny spring day, I wore it with a lilac sweater over a floral print dress. A bit of floral print is always welcome. I finished the look with a green (chunky heel) pair of shoes and a small brown bag. It was a warm day, so no jacket was needed. This was a very simple, spring appropriate styling.  Do you like this trend of chunky heel? What kind of retro style shoes do you like?

Lilac for Spring + DIY Project of the Day (Princess Handmade Bookmark)

Lilac for Spring

I took advantage of International Economy Fair Mostar to buy some books. I bought 10 books for 10 euros, which is a pretty good bargain. All of the authors I bought are Croatian, with the exception of Ratzinger. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't read anything from Joseph Ratzinger before. Better late than never, right? Are you a book person? Do you like to read? What are your favourite things to read? Books or magazines? Non fiction or fiction? I'm a bookworm, but you probably already know that. All this talk of books, reminds me of a DIY projects that I've been meaning to share. Scroll down if you want to see it. 

Lilac for Spring + DIY Project of the Day (Princess Handmade Bookmark)


My love for French writers increases daily. Guy de Maussapant is one of my definite favourites. But what I'm going to talk about today is neither Jean Racine or Guy de Maupassant but the bookmark you can see in the photographs. I'm a big fan of hand made bookmarks. I've made a lot of them myself. This most recent addition to my collection of bookmarks is this bookmark in the shape of a princess (or a queen). This bookmark started its life as a painting of mine. The medium? Acrylic on cardboard. However, I realized that this painting could be a pretty cool bookmark so I cut it out. I thought it was a pretty nice idea, so I decided to share it with you. 

 DIY Project of the Day (Princess Handmade Bookmark)

For this DIY project, you will need a piece of cardboard (you can recycle and use a cardboard packaging of some used product like I did) and acrylic paints. Paint the princess on the cardboard using acrylic paints. Wait for it to dry then cut it out. You can sketch it first with pencil. I painted directly because I don't always sketch with pencil when I'm using acrylic paints. Sometimes I just paint with acrylics without a sketch. You might also use a reference if you feel like it will make things easier. I didn't use a reference myself.

If you don't have any art skills, you can always opt for the following: find a princess (queen) design you like, print in out  or cut it out of a magazine, then glue it to a piece of cardboard, wait for it to dry and then cut it out. Basically, you can make a bookmark out of anything. All you need is is a bit of cardboard or thick paper. You can also get really creative and use fabric and other materials. The possibilities are endless, really.


 It is a very simple DIY project, but in my opinion the result is quite interesting. I like the idea of transforming my painting into a bookmark. I might try it again in the future. What do you say? Do I need to work more on this idea or is it fine as it is? Do you use bookmarks? What do you think about having a princess bookmark?  What do you think about this bookmark? Was it a good idea to make it? Would you be willing to give this DIY project a try? I hope I managed to inspire you to try something new today. Have a lovely day! As always, thank you for reading.

Lilac for Spring + DIY Project of the Day (Princess Handmade Bookmark)



  1. You look lovely in sunshine, Ivana! Love your Princess bookmark too! <3

  2. I love the post:)
    Have a nice day, dear!

  3. Brava Ivanaaaa, che carino il segnalibro così! E mi piace anche il look che hai creato con quella collana e la maglia lilla!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  4. Thanks a lot :D

    you look totally trendy! I'm really in love with your bag <3

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  5. What a fun bookmark! :) I really need to try make more time for reading again!

    I really like the knit layered over the floral dress too, I'm looking forward to wearing things like that here soon if the weather cooperates!

    Hope you are having a lovely week so far. We have some cooler weather at last so it's starting to feel a little more like autumn :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  6. Ajme, ovo je divno. Zaista si super! Puno puno velikih pohvala i podrška od mene.

    Samo tako nastavi, imenjakinjo! :)

    * * * Radim Q&A post na blogu pa te pozivam da mi, ako želiš, postaviš neko pitanje (ili više njih) u komentaru. Ask me anything! <3
    ... Poljupci!

  7. Such pretty pics Dear. Love your spring look. I love the color lilac. Floral print with lilac color sweater looks perfect together. Beautiful necklace too.

    I loveeee reading- non-fiction books. And bookmarks are a must. The more you have the merrier:)


  8. Love the combination of that sweater and dress! You look lovely!


  9. Pastel and floral makes for such a perfect Spring outfit! You look lovely! And10 books for 10 euros is a good bargain indeed! Enjoy your new reads!

  10. I love how you refer to it as 'shopping in your closet' - that's such a sweet concept! :) Lilac is such a beautiful colour and I'm glad it's trending right now. I used to never like it, but I've certainly warmed to its femininity now and how beautifully it suits the warmer months of the year! You look so lovely Ivana, have a fabulous week! x

  11. You look like a breath of fresh air in that outfit. I love the sweater and the necklace is darling!!! Perfect look for a glorious spring day. I use bookmarks when I can find one. The idea of a princess book mark will probably get me picking up the book more often just so I can see it. Great diy Ivana! I'm not so good at diy cos I feel like I'd get flustered easily but the few I've done were totally worth the while. Hope your week is going great.

    1. thank you dear, sometimes they can be tricky but they do tend to me worth while. My week has been fine so far, here is to a great weekend for both of us.

  12. I love DIYs , the book mark is beuatiful. Great outfit too.

  13. Lilac is one of favourite colours too, Ivana! Love your bookmark! xoxo

  14. Estupendo todo!!Espero tu opinion en mi ultimo post!!!Que pases un buen dia!!!❤💛💙

  15. Great post as usual! Have a nice weekend)

  16. Dear Ivana, definitely a perfect look for the warm day you had on that day! I love how you styled the lilac sweater and I'm in general a fan of chunky heels. You bought many books for less money - kudos to you! But I have to admit I neither read anything of Ratzinger. Just today je was topic during a work converstation due to this in German popular headline "We are pope" :) Enjoy further reading!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    1. thank you. Chunky heels are very comfy, aren't they? It also seems to me that they last longer. I did buy a lot of book for a great price. Ratzinger is esteemed as one the greatest living thinkers and intellectuals, so I'm glad I'm finally reading one of his book.

  17. This is such a creative DYI! I love the idea of such a pretty bookmark. :) I don't actually read many books these days (which makes me really sad, I used to be a total bookworm but kind of started neglecting reading as I started getting older, got a job etc.), but I still use a lot of notebooks etc., so a bookmark would definitely come in handy! Also, I looove your outfit. Floral prints are my go to trend, especially in spring/summer months. I have so many floral print dresses, and the one you're wearing is so pretty and looks like something that I would love to add to my wardrobe! Love how you styled it with the rest of the outfit. Thanks for sharing, lovely! <3 xoxo


  18. Amazing post!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  19. A princess popping out of a book is quite delightful! Today I am popping into some of my favourite blogs and telling the lovely ladies what my favourite outfits on them are. Because I am an expert, of course. This one you are wearing is one of my favourite proportions and you wear it really well. I love the florals on black.

    Ahhh books. Yup, I am a book person though I don't read as much fiction as I once did. There are so many things I want to read and learn about. I wish I'd had more exposure to translated novels at a younger age. I discovered them rather late, though when I did my degree I did take one course on German novels translated into English. I enjoy some of the novels by Jose Saramago ( His novel Blindness was made into a movie ) and have just begun reading Milan Kundera, Immortality and very much enjoying it. I saw the movie The Unbearable Lightness of Being in the theatre when it came out, not even aware then that it was based on a novel. I have the translated novel in my waiting-to-read pile but for some reason picked up Immortality first. Have a lovely weekend, Ivana.

  20. You look super stunning! Love this! The pictures are amazing!

  21. Love your post and bookmark!

  22. Your lilac sweater is so pretty! I need to incorporate more of that color into my wardrobe. Love how you paired it with a floral skirt. Love the bookmarks.

  23. Love the sweater and handmade necklace!

  24. gosh, i love that floral skirt!!! this is the right choice on the season. very cool pics Ivana.



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