Back in time (ethno village Herzegovina) / Put u prošlost..... (etno selo Hercegovina)

Do you ever wish you could travel back in time? Time travel is a very popular theme in science fiction. I can't tell you how many novels about time travel I have read so far. However, that is not what I wanted to talk about. Advancement of technology may very well allow us to physically travel back in time some day but there are other way to travel back in time. Our mind can take us anywhere, as long as we know how to use it. Yesterday I read one famous classic (my review here). While I was reading that outstanding classic, I felt like I was travelling back in time. Speaking of travelling back in time, some places might take us back in time. You know, every time I visit this little touristic village (still under construction) in Medugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina), I feel like I have indeed travelled back in time. I suppose that is might be one of the reasons why I keep coming back here. 

Poželite li ikada da možete putovati u prošlost? Putovanje vremenom je jako popularna tema u znastvenoj fantastici. Ne mogu vam reći koliko sam romana o putovanju vremenom dosad pročitala. No, nisam htjela o tome pričati. Napredak u tehnologiji može nam doista jednoga dana omogućiti da fizički putujemo vremenom, ali postoje i drugi načini za putovanje vremenom. Naš um nam može svugdje odvesti ako se znamo njime koristiti. Jučer sam pročitala jedan poznati glasik (moj ogled ovdje )  i dok sam čitala taj izvrsni klasik, imala sam osjećaj da putujem vremenom. Kad već govorimo u putovanju u prošlost, neka mjesta nas mogu tamo vratiti. Znate, svaki put kada posjetim ovo malo turističko mjesto (još uvijek u izgradnji) u Međugorju ( u BIH), osjećam kao da sam doista otputovala u prošlost. Pretpostavljam da je to  jedan od razloga zašto se vraćam ovdje. 

 Now, back to colour. One thing I love about Herzegovina is the blue of its sky. Quite often, the sky here has this magical shade of blue. I don't know what it is. Is the sun? Is the climate? Some of these photographs were overexposed, so I try editing them by toning down the brightness. I hope you can see what the actual colours were like. I forgot how much time it takes to edit a photograph. It's been ages since I edited anything for this blog of mine. While I was at it, I made the above shots (the ones you already had the change to see) black and white. I always liked black and white photography.

Sada, povratak u boju. Jedna stvar koju volim u Herzegovini je plavetnilo njegoga neba. Ovdje je dosta često nebo ima čarobnu nijansu plave. Ne znam o čemu se radi.  Je li to sunce? Je li to klima? Neke od ovih fotografija su bile previše svijetle, pa sam ih pokušala urediti tako da sam smanjila svjetlost i nadam se možete vidjeti kakve su zapravo bile boje. Zaborvila sam koliko vremena treba za urediti fotografiju. Već dugo nisam dorađivala fotografije za ovaj blog. Dok sam se s tim bavila, ove gornje sam fotografije učinila crno bijelim (kao što ste mogli vidjeti). Uvijek mi se sviđala crno bijela fotografija.

I'm always inviting you to visit Herzegovina. I suppose it's only natural as I live here now. My blog was never strictly a fashion one, I always wrote about things I enjoy or/and things that interest me. Why not? I know how much I enjoy travelling 'virtually' while I'm reading other blogs. A lot of people ask me do I miss Croatia. Naturally I do. All my love for this region aside, I would move back home tomorrow if I could. There is no place like Dalmatia for me. I'm sure most people feel that way about their home. Still, I'm aware that it is a privilege to live in a region as beautiful as Herzegovina. I try to make the most of my stay here. After all, you never know where life might take you. It is always a good idea to be a tourist in your own town/place/country/region. Some day you might be forced to move and then you might regret not learning more about the place you lived in.

Uvijek vas pozivam da posjetite Hercegovinu. Pretpostavljam da je to prirodno jer tu sada živim. Moj blog nikada nije bio samo o modi, uvijek sam pisala i o stvarima u kojima uživam i koje me zanimaju.  Zašto ne? Znam koliko uživam u virtualnim putovanjima dok čitam druge blogove. Puno ljudi me puta nedostaje li mi Hrvatska? Naravno da da. Na stranu sva moja ljubav prema ovoj regiji, sutra bi se tamo preselila da mogu.  Za mene nema mjesta nalik na Dalmaciju. Sigurna sam da se većina ljudi tako osjeća kada je u pitanju njihov dom. Ipak, svjesna sam da je privilegija živjeti u ovako lijepoj regiji kao što je Hercegovina. Trudim se iz svoga boravka ovdje najviše izvući. Na kraju krajeva, nikada ne znate gdje vas život može odvesti. Uvijek je dobra ideja biti turist u svome gradu, mjestu, zemlji ili regiji. Jednoga dana možda ćete se morati preseliti i onda će vam biti žao što niste više naučili o mjestu u kojem ste živjeli. 


As far as outfit is concerned, it is all about dark blue and grey tones. I think these two colours (grey and blue) match quite nicely....or at least I hope so. Yesterday I finally ordered the curtains for my new home. Guess in what colour? Blue. What can I say? I love this colour. I don't have much else to say about this outfit. I wore this skirt previously here, here and here. I paired it with these dark blue shirt I had for ages. I'm still into wearing tote bags. That would be all. Have a nice day!

Što se tiče odjevne kombinacije, sve se temelji na tamno plavoj i sivim tonovima. Mislim da se ove dvije boje (plava i siva) lijepo slažu...barem se nadam. Jučer sam konačno naručila zavjese za novi dom. Pogodite u kojoj boji? Plavoj. Što reći? Volim ovu boju.  Nemam puno toga drugoga reći o ovoj kombinaciji. Ovu sam suknju već nosila ovdje, ovdje i ovdje. Uskladila sam je s ovom tamno plavom košuljom koju imam već dugo. Još uvijek stalno nosim velike torbe. To bi bilo sve. Ugodan dan želim!

shirt/košulja: old, skirt/suknja: zara, bag/torba: not branded/nije markirana, heels/pete: Peko, sunnies/sunčane: New Yorker


  1. Ciao Ivana,
    trovo bellissime questo foto e adoro il tuo stile.
    Stupenda la gonna.
    Un bacione
    Maggie Dallospedale

  2. nice pics!

  3. I'm actually not sure if I'd like to travel back in time :)
    Very nice pictures Ivana :)

    1. I know, imagine if we went back in time and changed would mean chaos!

  4. Baš je plavo nebo :)
    Imaš odličnu figuru i dobro ti stoji suknja.
    Imaš pravo, treba uživati u mjestu gdje jesmo, ne znaš koliko dugo ćemo baš tu biti..

    1. hvala Zuba, stvarno nebo ovdje zna biti prekrasno:)

  5. The black and white colours definitely give the feel of traveling back in time... and I love that! I think black and white photography speaks volumes. But personally, if I got the opportunity I don't think I would want to go back in time.

  6. Jako mi se svidja ovaj post kao i tvoj blog, ja imam takodjer novi post na blogu, ako mozes pogledaj. Isto tako sam te zapratila na blogu, molim te uzvrati.
    Link mog novog posta:

  7. Jako mi se svidja ovaj post kao i tvoj blog, ja imam takodjer novi post na blogu, ako mozes pogledaj. Isto tako sam te zapratila na blogu, molim te uzvrati.
    Link mog novog posta:

  8. Loved the blue and grey combination.
    Nice post Dear.

  9. I love how you say the way you feel as though you've stepped back in time is what keeps you going back there time and time again. I have a handful of places that I feel the same way about; they're both comforting and charming! Lovely photos Ivana, they really scream of spring/summer :)

  10. Amazing landscapes! I love everything from your outfit. xoxo

  11. Gorgeous look babe! Love that buttoned top! <3

    XO Jessi,

  12. You're right, the colour of the sky is magical :) So beautiful!
    Lovely outfit x

    The Belle Narrative

  13. Interesting post! Have a lovely Day! ������❤️❤️❤️

  14. Great content) Thanks for the interesting post!

  15. Buona giornata bellezza.
    Un bacione
    Maggie Dallospedale

  16. It's a great pleasure to back in time you was happy. I'd love to))
    Ivana, these photos are exeptional. Fantastic post!

  17. Dear Ivana, I think we share this love for travelling back in time and I really understand why you love this village that is still under construction. In Bavaria we have a "Freilichtmuseum" (= open-air museum) near our village I love to visit as it shows old farmhouses and how the people worked and lived in the past. I can spend here hours and hours! And I understand that you miss Croatia and that you move back to your beautiful country when you had the possibility. But I see BIH is also beautiful - the sky is obviously really extremely blue! You look beautiful in your look and I like it you have chosen blue curtains for your new home.
    xx Rena

  18. I always think about traveling back in time my dear. Though sometimes I also think that maybe we don't have a hold of everything that happens around us. Still I always want to maintain high hopes for everything. Someday, I do hope I'll go to places you've been my dearest. And maybe someday we'll meet each other too :)

    love lots,

    1. yes, travelling back in time would mean we lose what we have in present...and nobody wants that.

      I hope we will have a chance to meet some day.

  19. Great place! Fantastic look!


  20. Even the color photos looks like a time travel, so isolated, like a ghost-town, if you know what I mean. Love the outfit you're wearing here, Ivana.
    A Masterpiece Of Art And The Discovery Of Pegs And Safety Pins

    1. thank you. Yes, this place is still under construction so in a way it is a ghost town. It's going to be a tourist/hotel/apartmant village when it gets opened.

  21. Marvelous photos ! This place is gorgeous and you are beautiful. I really love your skirt. Kisses :)

  22. Ah da, ja bih rado skoknula u neku prošlu epohu. Ponekad mi se ovaj naš 21. vek čini prebrzim i preopterećenim tehnologijom.
    Fotke su ti divne i baš su mi zanimljive ove u crno-beloj tehnici.


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