Fashion illustration of the day / Modna ilustracija dana 9.10.2018.----- Larissa

Autumn has arrived. It lingers in the air. All my blazers take, once again, a prominent place in my closet…there they are hanging on the closet hangers but mixed with my Summer clothes, for you never know, do you? There will be plenty of sunny days to come. Mostar might be famous for its rains, but it is even more famous for its sunshine. The coats will be in rotation soon enough though, but not just yet. The air is colder. Too sudden of a change for my linking. It cost me a headache but I got over it. Rainy day…and then one blissful day of sunshine. Just to let you know you never know what to expect, but I know that. Do I? Perhaps I do. It is not an easy lesson to take, grand me that. Anything might happen. Everything that might happen will happen, you know the Murphy law. But it doesn’t have to be all bad. The unpredictable can be good. I’ll try to remember that, because everything seems unpredictable right now. This new cool air is full of life, as potent with it fragrances as only Autumn can  be. Too much coffee, too much reading, too many worries, too many plans and too much life. My head spins. Too much drawing, too much sketching…no, that’s not so. There is never too much drawing.  Everyone knows that. Not if you want to get really good. So, more drawing it is. More coffee. More life. More Autumn....and time for another fashion illustration of the day. The medium is coloured pencils on paper. How do you like this one?

Jesen je stigla. Tu je u zraku. Svi moji blajzeri zauzimaju opet značajno mjesto u mome ormaru....tu su vise na vješalicama, ali pomiješani s ljetnom odjećom jer se nikad ne zna, zar ne? Biti će još sunčanih dana,jer ako je Mostar poznat po svojim kišama, poznat je i po sunčanim danima. Uskoro će se nositi kaputi, ali ne još. Zrak je hladniji. Previše nagla promjena za moj ukus. Koštala me glavobolje, ali nekako sam to preboljela. Kišni dani...i onda jedan divan sunčani dan. Čisto da ti da do znanja da nikad ne znaš što te čeka, ali ja to znam....Znam li? Možda  i znam. Nije to laka životna lekcija, dozvolite mi to...Sve se može dogoditi. Sve što se može dogoditi će se dogoditi, kao što kaže Murphy-jev zakon. Ne mora sve to biti loše. Nepredvidljivo može biti i dobro. Nastojati ću zapamtiti to, jer mi se sve sada čini nepredvidljivo. Novi hladniji zrak je pun života, bogat mirisima kako to samo jesen može biti. Previše kave, previše briga, previše briga, previše planova i previše života...u glavi mi se vrti. Previše crtanja, previše, nije tako. Nikad nije previše crtanja. Svi to znaju. Ne ako želiš biti zaista dobar. Tako da...više crtanja...Još više kave. Više jeseni...i vrijeme je za još jednu modnu ilustraciju dana. Medij su bojice na papiru. Kako vam se sviđa?


  1. Sunny autumn days are the best. It sounds like the weather is really inspiring you. Another lovely illustration! Have an inspired new week Ivana!

  2. You are right, you just never know. Fall hasn't quite made up it's mind. I guess I kinda like that cos we can get away with more summer looks. In fact some Octobers here are even warmer than September. That feels frustrating sometimes since everyone is excited to pull out their cold weather outfits.
    There obviously can't be too much drawing in your life, :). You have a passion for it and not only does it show, it shows how good at it you are. My daughter is taking a fundamental visual art class and I always show her your sketches. I can't sketch anything to save my life. That's always embarrassing when I have to draw something for my kiddos at school. I am the queen of stick figures shame on me. This is another great piece. I love the illusion of texture in the hair. Very beautiful.
    I hope you have a great week Ivana.

    1. thank you dear. How lovely that your daughter is taking a visual art class!

  3. Thank you dear :D

    So incredible as usual. Love it :D

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  4. I prefer spring and summer. I hate Murphy laws:)

  5. Your drawing still reflects perfectly summer colors. In Portugal fall is late, at least until today! Have a great week!
    Coco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin

  6. Love this one, love the colours :) xx

  7. Hello, dearest Ivana,

    in Austria it got very cold, too. This morning we had 3 degrees… that’s like winter. And two weeks ago it was nearly summer… May be, in two weeks it will be spring… oder REAL autum, who knows? We will see. But first we see a drawing of a brown-eyed lady with a fashionable mix of fall- and summer-colors – a pullover like autumn-leaves and a blazer like the ocean… I like it!

    Hugs and have a happy week,


    1. who can tell? Maybe it is better for us to be surprised:) ...Autumn or Spring...these days we never know.

  8. Ah yes, the jackets, coats and blazers are making a triumphant return now that Autumn has well and truly arrived! It's interesting how you are keeping out some of your summer clothing due to unpredictable weather, that's totally not the case here in the UK where it's already really cold and unlikely to be any other way until May next year haha :) Lovely illustrations Ivana, great choice to focus on an Autumnal look now that October is well under way!

  9. For me the change from summer to cold autumn was to sudden too. Two weeks ago, we still were able to swim in a lake in Austria and now we have to cover our shivering bodys in thick winter coats ... brrrr.

    I love your beautiful fashion drawings very much! Specially I like the pairing of the blue blazer with the orange (or browne?) pullover :-)

    xxxxx Nadine

    1. it is an orange pullover:) Yes, for me this change is too sudden too.

  10. great one!

    kisses dear

  11. Lovely illustration, i wish we could see the bottom of what she is wearing. You did a lovely work with the hair too.
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  12. This is one of my favorite illustrations, dear Ivana! It does show the feelings in her eyes, I don't know whether I am right or not, but I feel it! And yes, there's never too much drawing. I hope your headache ends, it's not good, of course. The weather has this power over us, yes. I have to tell you that I loooove what you write, here and for me; you have such a great way of thinking, you are so sweet, so down to earth, the kind of attitude that I really really like! I am so sure that if we lived closer we would have lots of philosophical conversations! It's so refreshing to get to know someone who posts about fashion, but is beyond that. In the past I got to know some people that seemed to be nice, but are so self-absorbed, with twisted values - only thinking of consumerism, in that way I told you one day: with money they don't have, buying unnecessary things to show to people who don't care - a fake image: that they are rich. Why does someone need to be this way? So, I love the way you think and how you share that with your readers! Hope you have a wonderful week, dear Ivana!

    1. thank you so much...I'm sure we would have very interesting philosophical conversations.

  13. Yes, dear Ivana, you never know! But I know that the painting is wonderful and I love also the hair-do so much. I'm convinced you will have in Mostar some sunny days again and you need the clothes you won't put away :) Here in Bavaria it is very cold at the moment, but at least the air is fresh. But now I'm wondering if one can do really too much drawings?
    Have a wonderful new week, dear Ivana!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  14. Lovely ilustration! Here absolutely the same with the weather, one day is rain, next day is sunny, that is how it's going on... In my wardrobe also mixed things, and a big mess, so I have to get it all out and then inside, again ( i love it):D

    1. so cool you love that:) I'm so bad at organizing my closet.

  15. Beautiful ilustration !!
    Great post Ivana !!

  16. Same over here, Ivana. Today it's chilly, well downright cold actuylly, yesterday was mild and mellow, last weekend summer was back, well I guess we have to live with it, lol. Anyway, lovely illustration. Sorry for being late, but what else is new, huh ;)
    hugs sweetie

  17. Fenomenalna! Mnogo mi se sviđa kako se boje prelamaju i stapaju, kako na kosi, tako i na odeći :)


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