A good pair of sneakers is worth gold...Dobar par tenisica zlata vrijedi.....

 A good pair if sneakers is worth gold, but so is a nice pair of jeans. There is something liberating about wearing capri jeans.  Theis pair of high-waist cropped jeans is one of the most comfortable ones I own. What is there not to love about capri jeans? You get to free and show a little leg but you don't have to worry whether it is too much. They're a wonderful choice for Spring when it is not warm enough to wear shorts but they also come in handy for those fresh summer days. Do you like capri jeans? I often choose them when I'm travelling, precisely because of that comfort factor. When these photographs were taken (about two weeks ago) I paired them with white sneakers and a turtleneck. P.S. If you're wondering why I have been absent for the last five days...long story short- no internet connection.

Dobar par tenisica vrijedi zlata, a isto se može reći i za lijep par traperica. Ima nešto oslobađajuće u nošenju traperica carpi dužine. Ovaj par viskoga struka mi je jedan od najudobnije koje imam. Što nam se ima ne sviđati kod capri traperica? Možemo malo osloboditi i pokazati nogu, a ne moramo se brinuti je li to previše. One su odličan izbor za proljeće kada nije dovoljno toplo za nositi hlačice, ali dobro dođu i za one svježe ljetne dane. Volite li vi capri traperice? Ja ih često nosim kada putujem, baš zbog udobnosti. Kada su ove fotografije uslikane, prije dva tjedna otprilike, onda sam ih nosila s bijelim tenisicama i dolčevitom. P.S. Ako se pitate zašto sam bila odsutna prošlih pet dana, to bi se dalo sažeti ukratko na probleme s internetskom vezom.


  1. Good morning Ivana, You are Looking comfy and great :)
    Have a fab weekend

  2. Invidio il panorama :) gli outfit comodi sono poi i migliori!

  3. I love the pics!

    You looks amazing!

    Have a nice weekend!

    xoxo Jacqueline

  4. Quest'outfit è perfetto per viaggiare o andare al lavoro, lo trovo così comodo! ^-^
    Un bacione :*

  5. Bas sladak, trendy i udoban outfit! I ja obozavam capri pantalone i to kako jeans, tako i one elegantne.
    Uzivaj u vikendu i ne brini za internet, sredice se to :-)

  6. Nadam se da su problemi s internetom prošli, imam ih i ja ovdje u Šibeniku i skroz me izludilo. Super izgledaš u ovoj kombinaciji, baš opušteno i veselo! Ja osobno ne volim capri hlače, moj izbor su bermude - izgledam ko dečkić u njima, ali su mi najudobnije i obožavam ih oduvijek haha :))

    1. moram nešto smisliti s time jer sutra ponovo selim na Brač.

  7. I kod mene internet šteka :D
    Sviđa mi se torba. Hlače visokog struka su super na osobama koje imaju ovako finu liniju kao ti :)
    Traperice su u mom ormaru valjda najmanje zastupljene, pa nemam ni kapri, ali nosila sam ih prije i bile su mi baš za ta međurazdoblja.

    1. hvala:) ...i da super su za međurazdoblja.

  8. Jako mi s sviđaju hlace, a i torba je upecatljiva; ja sam bas u potrazi za jednim udobnim tenisicama :)


  9. Ivana come sei solare ..con le snackers s i pantaloni Capri sei in perfetta forma!!!
    un caro saluto
    To me new post

  10. Upravo shvatam da nemam baš nijedne pantalone tog tipa, a sećam se da sam imala jedne koje nisam skidala godinama. Baš si me podestila na ta vremena i osećaj kad nosimo nešto što je toliko udobno i prilagodljivo, drugačije i efektno, ma prava stvar. Te koje ti nosiš su valjda najlepše koje sam ikada videla. Visoki struk tako dobro ide uz kraće nogavice, mislim da jako laska ženskoj figuri, a tebi svakako :) Cela kombinacija je prosto neodoljiva i ima tu neku sportsku šik notu koju obožavam. Drago mi je da si nam se vratila <3

    1. hvala ti puno:) i meni je drago kad god se uspijem vratiti...ovaj mjesec će mi biti malo težak, ali valjda ću se uspjeti prilagoditi.

  11. You are right! Capri length pants are so comfortable & stylish this time of year. Those look great on you Ivana. Love your sneakers too :D

  12. You look adorable in this chic and comfy outfit! I'm with you on both counts that a good pair of sneakers as well as a good pair of jeans are worth gold especially if the jeans fit well. I've always liked the look breezy look of capri jeans and they're so right for summer but I haven't found a pair that I like yet.

    I never get why people get so hung up on age. It's just a number and as long as two people are in love it shouldn't matter. You and your husband look very compatible in all your photos. Glad you can see it too with the body language of those two. They just seem so sweet when they're together and it totally fascinates me.

    1. thank you dear Rowena. Yes, people are too focused on the age, even when it comes to friendship. I mean we don't have to born on the same day and year to have something in common, right?

  13. ja sam se zaljubila u tvoju torbu :D

  14. I agree! A good pair of sneakers makes a whole world of differences! You look amazing in that high waisted pants, Ivana!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  15. splendido look, che bello il pantalone e che location :)

  16. I am the newest convert to sneakers and am coming to a conclusion that a good pair of sneakers is better than silver and gold. I mean my heels have platforms that keep them comfortable for the most part but nothing compared to sneakers. Like whatttt??? Now it's a 50-50 affair.

    I'm not big on capris but most of my jeans are high waisted. Ultra high waisted for the most part and I love it cos then I can wear crop tops without feeling like I'm showing too much. I do own a similar pair to yours but the top part of mine is detachable. I love how you added a belt to yours. It definitely added interest.

    You have a cool travel style Ivana. Very sporty and comfy. The burgundy turtle neck matches the capris perfectly. I can see me in this for long flights like the one from SF to Istanbul that was 13 hours long. I dreaded coming back and would have stayed back if I had my way, ha!

    So sorry to read about your internet connection. We get so used to these things and literally get derailed when they are not working as they should. Glad it's back up.

    You must not have the fear of heights perched up high like that. Or maybe it's not as high. You got some great shots there though. I love them all.

    PS: Your yellow bag is very cute!


  17. You look beautiful!!

    xx LL


  18. Very cute in your jeans and so sexy in that top! They are always so exciting when you share them :)

    All Things Bright and Lovely

  19. You are beautiful :)


  20. Great casual look! I love capri jeans a lot...they're one of my favourite items to wear in summer. Especially when the weather is not stable.
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  21. A pair of sneakers are always a thing of beauty. Love yours' dear and I would lvoe to have one that looks exactly the same too!!! :)

    love lots,


  22. Hi dear^ thanks for interesting comments about Disport!
    What about your look? I love the top and white sneakers!

  23. Fantastic photos!
    Have a nice week-end!
    Gil Zetbase

  24. I've never really worn capris, I think I had one pair my whole life, but they just tend not to look great on me. You look lovely in these though, and the fact that they're denim is very cool. I totally understand about the internet, we had dodgy internet when I was on holiday in the countryside. Great photos. <3

  25. Such a lovely place and cool outfit Ivana! xx

  26. Great photos and you look so beautiful. I'm loving high-waisted denims now. Helps my bulgy tummy. Lol!
    Enjoy your weekend, beautiful.


  27. Hi there, dear Ivana! How you doing? I see that right according to the great pictures you're sharing with us today! :D

    They have such a really good vibe, specially for the sneakers, and I'm going to confess that I'm a sneaker boys, I can't get tired of them! Today I saw some Converse and I was about to buy them, then I told to myself "you already own a pair, Pablo!", hahaha, I also love booties and oxford shoes, but I don't know, there are so many cool options when it comes to sneakers ;) I love yours! And you know how to rock it! Talking about the capris, I think this is such a difficult garment to wear, but you really styled it in a cool and lovely way! :D

    I love the background in this post! By the way, thanks for the comment on my book club post, if you remember the name of that book please tell me, dear!

    Hope you have a great Sunday ;)
    Fungi Express blog

  28. Stai benissimo con questo look:) un bacione cara

  29. Que maximo amei as imagens
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/

  30. It looks like a great place to visit, you look great <3



  31. cool casuals..


  32. You look beautiful in your Capri jeans, dearest Ivana! I like these pants style very much, unfortunately it doesn't look good on me. (My legs are too short and the calves too thick ...) But on some other women I like to see capri pants.
    Hugs and greetings, Traude

  33. Moram priznati da baš nisam ljubiteljica capri hlača jer mi se čini da ti nepotrebno skraćuju noge a pogotovo kada su još niskog struka. Ove tvoje mi osobno djeluju odlično vjerojatno jer su visokoga struka pa mi je dobivena neka simetrija a ističu ti lijepo i tijelo tako da na kombinaciju stvarno nemam nikakvih primjedbi! :) Da su ugodne, ne sumnjam uopće a uz dolčevitu su se odlično uparile! :)

  34. capri pants were so cool when I first started growing interest in fashion and happy to know that they're making a comeback. yours definitely look chic with the high-waist, and love how you made the most of that by pairing it with maroon turtle neck! <3 have a happy week!

  35. I love this look,so casual,chic and comfortable too

  36. Dear Ivana, I agree absolutely: a good pair of sneakers is worth gold and the same is valid for a good pair of denims :) Your capri denims are very cool and I understand you love them so much. Personally I love denims with a shorter length, too, honestly it happens I refuse to wear really long pants in summer For example today it was not that hot in Bavaria but I wore nearly the complete day denim shorts as I feel much more comfortable in them. So sorry you had no Internet connection. Hopefully now everything is working again properly. Enjoy your new week!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  37. Bellissimo look e splendide immagini!! Un bacio e buona giornata!!!

  38. Lovely photos. Great post!
    I would really love for you to check out my latest reviewpost featuring Soufeel Charms
    Also, I made 2 facebook groups for bloggers to share their posts:
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    Keep in touch~
    Kaiyo Aino Blog-Soufeel review & photos

  39. Couldn't agree more with the title of this post, sweetie :D And jeans, big yes to that! We are currently in the middle of the house move and at the new place we won't have internet from Tuesday to Monday! Thankfully we have free internet on our phones but I love reading blogs on the computer. Great you are back, lovely <3
    xox Nadia

  40. Wow! You look so great! :D

    Stay in Style
    Karen @ Lookbook Store Blogspot

  41. You are rocking the high-waisted capri pants! :)

    I don't have any capri lengths in my wardrobe - mostly because I'm petite so the length would be all wrong on me, haha!

    Sorry to hear you were without internet - hope it was because you were off having fun and travelling :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  42. Loving the look!
    Dora www.BangsBang.com

  43. Che bella questa tua versione casuel, mi piacciono molto i jeans!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

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  44. Imam ih nekoliko, ali vjerovala ili ne, samo one za odlaske na vježbanje...u traper varijanti niti jedne, a čak bih rekla da ih nikad nisam niti imala. Ove tvoje mi izgledaju odlično zbog ovog visokog struka, a vjerojatno i zbog toga što tebi tako sjajno stoje. :)
    O tenisicama bih pak, za razliku od capri hlača, mogla napisati čitav post...dva. Nikad ih dosta. :D

    1. hvala:)
      mene neko vrijeme tenisice uopće nisu nešto zanimale, ali danas ludim za njima:)

  45. Oh yes, I'm absolutely also a fan of capri trousers/jeans! I'm actually looking for a couple of pairs right now in anticipation of a holiday next month. I agree they're ideal for travelling, and I love how you've worn yours with trainers :) Glad to hear you've got internet connection back Ivana!


  46. Whilst I wouldn't wear capri jeans myself (I don't wear jeans in general, last time I wore a pair was about ten years ago! I'm not sure why, I just don't think they look good on me, ever!), I absolutely love capri leggings etc. The length is just perfect for the summer, like you said you get to show off a little leg but not too much, making them a very comfortable choice for me. :) Loving how you styled yours with the jumper and those sunnies, summer in full swing I see? :D <3 x


    1. I don't wear jeans often, but sometimes they really come in handy:)

  47. I absolutely agree and might I say you're rocking your trainers and I love the entire outfit Ivana! you look beautiful :)

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  48. You are right a pair of great jeans does go a long way.


  49. Hello Ivana :) Glad that you're back despite of your problems with Internet, I hope that your internet connection is better :) What's more, I love how you styled your capri jeans - personally I'm not huge fan of everything "capri", because I'm too short to wearing it - I'd look even petiter, believe me - BUT I love seeing this kind of trousers on someone else, especially when that person is tall like you are, Ivana :) And I can't take my eyes off of the views - your city (and country in general) is so beautiful - literally I could stare at this sea for hours ;)) Again, glad that you're back, my dear friend :)

    1. thanks sweetie....Split is indeed beautiful!!!!!!

  50. Sneakers are everything! I think, I don't know how to wear heels anymore, and who wants the pain, right? also, got to love those super high waisted capri jeans, looks so fresh!

  51. I absolutely love this outfit! Love the lay back vibe, love the casual chic look, love everything. Happy new week, Ivana.

  52. I totally agree with you on this fact. You will always need a good pair of jeans and sneakers. They will get tons of use and are a great investment. You look amazing in this color and these capris fit you so well. Lovely photos of you dear. Looks like you are enjoying your trip:)


  53. Your jeans are so cool! I've never seen any like them :) Your outfit does look super comfy! :) xx

  54. Slažem se da su dobar par tenisica i traperice koje stoje kao salivene najbitnije stvari u garderobi :)
    Nisam ljubitelj capri hlača (odnosno općenito kratkih hlača), ali zanimljiva mi je ova tvoja kombinacija, baš izgleda udobno za putovanja :)

    1. hvala ti puno draga:)
      je, udobna je kombinacija.

  55. I do like cropped trousers although I'm not a big jeans-wearer. It's funny though as I has a pair of cropped jeans with brocade around the bottom that I loved as a teen and everyone else loved!x

  56. Pretty outfit ! I love your shoes. Kisses beauty :)


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