Tribute to Lauren (DIY heart necklace and an outfit post)

What inspired me to make this necklace?

What inspired me to make this necklace was a post by +The Dainty Dolls House in which she wrote about a young women named Lauren who has died aged 25 because of heart problems. When the doctors told Lauren that her condition was very serious, she started this amazing 100 heartbeats project....

  Što me nadahnulo za ovu ogrlicu? Post blogerice Dandy Doll House u kojem je pisala o hrabroj mladoj ženi koja je umrla u 25 godini života zbog srčanih problema. Prije smrti Lauren je pokrenula projekt 100 otkucaja srca, ljepila je medaljone u obliku srca na svoja omiljena mjesta, stvarajući dirljiv vizualni dnevnik. Umrla je 97 dana svoga projekta, a njen muž ga je dovršio. Ja sam ovu ogrlicu napravila kao način sudjelovanja u dizanju svijesti o srčanim bolestima, a ako vas zanima više o njoj na kraju posta možete pronaći adrese njena dva bloga kao i adresu bloga na kojem je pokrenut projekt njoj u čast. Možete se i vi uvijek uključiti ili napisati nešto njoj u čast. Njezina hrabrost i pozitivna energija je stvarno zapanjujuća i mislim da bi svi mogli nešto naučiti čitajući njene riječi ili jednostavno samo pogledavši njene fotografije. Potrudimo se pronaći razloge za radost jer život nije lak niti će to ikada biti.

After reading about Lauren's touching story, I've decided to find a way to pay my respects, so I have decided to design and make a heart necklace in her honour. I've made it soon after reading that post I told you about but it was only yesterday that I finally have had the time to take the photos of it. I think any way in which we may promote awareness about serious issues is a good. I plan to participate in the heartbeats in the street campaign as well, but I wanted to do this post first.  ( "Heartbeats in the Streets's campaign" is designed to raise awareness about heart diseases. You can participate in the campaign by taking photos with a heart in which you have written something that is dear to you or that you love and send them to the author of this blog who has started this campaign.)

I'm not sure have I ever mentioned this but I have undergone a serious heart operation when I was 3 years old. Obviously I have fully recovered but many are not as fortunate. So, if you want to participate in raising awareness about heart diseases, mention Lauren and her story in your blog and leave a link to her blogs. If you're feeling inspired why not write something about her (or about someone else you have known that had or still has heart problems. )

If anyone is interested the heart necklace I'm wearing in this post is made from red denim, cardboard, yellow sewing thread and satin. It's all recycled (eco-friendly) material. The red thing that looks like a scrunchie (without actually being one) I have also made myself from the same red denim material. (The red scrunchie that is not a scrunchie  can also be worn as a necklace but I'll have to take photos to prove it, wouldn't I?) Both of these items were probably be part of a charity auction soon, but I'm still waiting for confirmation.


  1. Most fitting tribute you've done. I'm proud of you, Ivana. I am very sure Lauren would approve and admire your courage here. Great looking outfit, too.

  2. Ciao Ivana, complimenti per aver preso parte a questo progetto. La storia di Lauren è davvero molto triste..sono sicura che lei ne sarebbe stata molto felice. La collana che hai fatto è adorabile. Un bacio!:*

  3. Lep je kaputic:)

  4. Divan post i divna prica... definitivno cu svratiti na njen blog i pogledati, uvijek se divim tim hrabrim ljudima koji i u najtezim trenucima ne gube nadu i probude ono najbolje u ljudima... drago mi je da si se ti uspjesno oporavila a ogrlica je super :-)

    1. da, stvarno te natjera da razmišljaš kad vidiš nekoga tko je teško bolestan, a opet u sebi pronađe toliko energije da nadahne druge ljude, radi, stvara i ne gubi nadu.

  5. The necklace is wonderful and for a good cause. I'm glad your treatment as a child was successful, xoxo.

  6. Divno od tebe što si joj posvetila post. Drago mi je da si ti dobro.

  7. Adoro il suo blog, hai fatto bene a dare voce a questa iniziativa!

    wildflower girl
    Facebook page

  8. oh, dear Ivana, you are such a deep and thoughtful person! I always appeal to such people as you are, I don't like people who are turning a deaf ear to those ones who are in trouble. There so many deseases which can ruin our health and body easily, but only ignorance and indifference is killing our soul. Noone is going to live forever, so it's important to take care not only about material things, but about immateriality and immortality of the soul as well. It's great that you pay attention to such things, I trying to donate money for charity when I can and I also donate blood from time to time, someone needs it, no doubts.

  9. By the way, those photographs of you are really beautiful! I can even feel such a friendly climate over there, you are simply glowing:)

  10. Very beautiful outfit ;)

  11. Beautiful doll, I love your necklace :)) And I'm very happy you took part as well, it's so important!! Giving to others is a very important part of being alive. I hope more will follow example and take part too!! You look beautiful and the necklace is perfect!! xx

  12. so Beautiful Dear <3 the coat is great ...and this heart looks sooooo sweet <3

  13. 2 things:

    1. this shooting looks like a pro! Youre poses are stunning - like real models do! Just perfect work my dear!!!

    2. this red necklace is a asbolut perfect match to your black coat! This is good stuff.




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